Southern Management Corporation Campus Center
Elm Room 208A
Baltimore, MD
April 10, 2015
9:00 A.M.
Cover Memo - Meeting of the Board of Regents, Friday, April 10, 2015
Map and Driving Directions
Call to Order Chairman Shea
Welcome from University of Maryland, Baltimore President Perman
1. Committee of the Whole Chairman Shea
a. Conferring of Regents' Faculty Awards (action) Chairman Shea and Chancellor Kirwan
i. Scholarship/Research/Creative Activity: Dr. Mikhail Anisimov, UMCP
ii. Scholarship/Research/Creative Activity: Dr. Kate Brown, UMBC
iii. Scholarship/Research/Creative Activity: Dr. Abhijit Dasgupta, UMCP
iv. Scholarship/Research/Creative Activity: Dr. Wei Yu, TU
v. Public Service: Professor William Burke, SU
vi. Public Service: Professor Bronwyn Mayden, UMB
vii. Public Service: Dr. Thomas J. Miller, UMCES
viii. Public Service: Dr. Mike Raupp, UMCP
ix. Teaching: Dr. Yan Bao, FSU
x. Teaching: Dr. Eileen O'Brien, UMBC
xi. Teaching: Dr. Randy Ontiveros, UMCP
xii. Teaching: Dr. Bridal Pearson, UB & Dr. John Hudgins, CSU (joint)
xiii. Mentoring: Dr. Jennifer Golbeck, UMCP
xiv. Mentoring: Professor Paula T. Morris, SU
xv. Mentoring: Dr. Barbara Resnick, UMB
xvi. Mentoring: Dr. Michelle Scott, UMBC
b. Approval of meeting minutes from February 13, 2015 Public and Closed Session (action)
University System of Maryland: Fiscal Year 2016 Proposed Regional Tuition Rates (action)
BOR Nominating Committee (information)
e. Chancellor's Report (information)
2. Report of Councils
a. Council of University System Presidents — President Dudley-Eshbach
i. March 2, 2015
ii. April 6, 2015
b. Council of University System Faculty — Dr. Bryant
c. Council of University System Staff — Mr. Crockett
d. University System of Maryland Student Council — Mr. McGee
3. Committee on Organization and Compensation
Regent Kinkopf
a. Approval of meeting minutes from April 2, 2015 Public and Closed Sessions (action)
4. Committee on Advancement Regent Gossett
a. Year-to-date fundraising report for FY15 (information)
5. Committee on AuditRegent Augustine
a. Approval of meeting minutes from March 26, 2015 Public and Closed Session (action)
6. Committee on Finance Regent Kelly
a. Approval of meeting minutes from March 12, 2015 Public Session and Closed Session (action)
USM Enrollment Projections: 2015-2024 (action)
University System of Maryland: Self-Support Charges and Fees for FY 2016 (action)
Amendments to USM policy VIII-2.70 - Policy on Student Classification for Admission and Tuition Purposes (action)
Salisbury University: Facilities Master Plan Update (action)
University of Maryland, Baltimore County: Food Service Contract Renewal (action)
University of Maryland, Baltimore: Dental Student Clinics Management Contract (action)
University of Maryland, Baltimore: Amendment of Medical Service Plan Action)
Biennial Nonexempt Market Salary Survey Report for FY 2016-2017 (information)
2014 USM Dashboard Indicators (information)
University System of Maryland: Review of Capital Improvement Projects (information)
University System of Maryland: Report on FY 2014 Procurement Contracts (information)
7. Committee on Education Policy & Student Life Regent Michaux Gonzales
a. Approval of meeting minutes from March 3, 2015 Public Session (action)
b. New Academic Program Proposals
i. Frostburg State University: Bachelor of Science in Health Science (action)
ii. Frostburg State University: Bachelor of Science in Secondary Teacher Education (action)
iii. University of Maryland Eastern Shore: Master of Science in Cybersecurity Engineering Technology (action)
c. P-20 Update (information)
d. Center for Academic Innovation Update (information)
e. Overview of Undergraduate Enrollment, Persistence, and Success at the USM
i. SAT Percentile Distributions of First-time Undergraduates (information)
ii. Retention and Graduation Rates of First-time Full-time Degree Seeking Undergraduates (information)
iii. Transfer Students to the USM: Patterns of Enrollment and Success (information)
iv. USM Enrollment Projections, 2015-2024 (Preliminary) (information)
8. Committee on Economic Development and Technology Commercialization Regent Attman
a. Approval of meeting minutes from March 12, 2015 Public Session (action)
9. Reconvene to Closed Session (action) Chairman Shea