Salisbury University
Perdue Hall - The Atrium
Salisbury, MD

June 19, 2015
8:30 A.M.


Cover Memo - Meeting of the Board of Regents, Friday, June 19, 2015

Map and Driving Directions

Call to Order Chairman Shea

Welcome from Salisbury University President Dudley-Eshbach

1. Committee of the Whole Chairman Shea

a. Approval of meeting minutes from April 10, 2015 Public and Closed Session; and May 6, 2015 Special Board Meeting (action)
b. Resolutions of Appreciation (action)
i. Regent Raaheela Ahmed
ii. Regent Earl Hance
iii. Regent C. Thomas McMillen
iv. Regent Cassie Motz
v. Regent Tracye Turner
vi. Regent Paul Vance (posthumously)
vii. Dr. Jonathan Gibralter
viii. Dr. Maravene Loeschke
ix. Dr. Mortimer Neufville
c. Report of the Nominating Committee - Election of Officers (action)
d. Proposed Dates for 2015-2016 Full Board Meetings (action)
e. Technical Amendments to BOR Policies (action)
f. Chancellor's Annual Report (information)

2. Report of Councils  

a. Council of University System Faculty — Dr. Bryant
b. Council of University System Staff — Mr. Crockett
c. Council of University System Presidents — President Dudley-Eshbach
i. May 4, 2015
ii. June 1, 2015
d. University System of Maryland Student Council — Mr. McGee

3. Committee on Advancement Regent Gossett

a. Approval of meeting minutes from May 20, 2015 Public Session (action)
b. Naming Request from Towson University: Thurgood Marshall Hall and Charles Carroll Hall (buildings) (action)
c. Year-to-date fundraising report for FY15 (information)

4. Committee on Audit Regent Augustine

a. Approval of meeting minutes from June 3, 2015 Public and Closed Session (action)

5. Committee on FinanceRegent Kelly

a. Approval of meeting minutes from June 11, 2015 Public and Closed Session (action)
b. FY 2017 Capital Budget Request; and FY 2017-2021 Capital Improvement Program (action)
c. FY 2016 System Funded Construction Program Request (action)
d. University System of Maryland: Thirty-Seventh Bond Resolution-Auxiliary Facility and Tuition Revenue Bonds (action)
e. University of Maryland Eastern Shore: Leasing of Off-Campus Student Housing (action)
f. Proposed FY 2016 Contract between the University of Maryland, Baltimore and the University of Maryland Medical System Corporation (action)
g. Brief Discussion of Development of Policy on High Impact Economic Development Activities (information)

6. Committee on Education Policy & Student Life Regent Michaux Gonzales

a. Approval of meeting minutes from May 12, 2015 Public Session (action)
b. New Academic Program Proposals i. Coppin State University: Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences (action)
ii. University of Maryland, Baltimore County: Bachelor of Arts in Jazz Studies (action)
iii. University of Maryland, Baltimore County: Bachelor of Arts in Music Composition (action)
iv. University of Maryland, Baltimore County: Bachelor of Arts in Music Education (action)
v. University of Maryland, Baltimore County: Bachelor of Arts in Music Performance (action)
vi. University of Maryland, Baltimore County: Bachelor of Arts in Music Technology (action)
vii. University of Maryland University College: Master of Science in Learning Design and Technology (action)
c. Amendments: Policy on the Award of Posthumous Degrees (III-7.30) (action)
d. Amendments: Council of University System Faculty's Regents' Faculty Awards Guidelines (action)
e. Annual Progress Report: Institutional Programs of Cultural Diversity (action)
i. Bowie State University
ii. Coppin State University
iii. Frostburg State University
iv. Salisbury University
v. Towson University
vi. University of Baltimore
vii. University of Maryland, Baltimore
viii. University of Maryland, Baltimore County
ix. University of Maryland, College Park
x. University of Maryland Eastern Shore
xi. University of Maryland University College
f. Legislative Session Update and Amendments: USM Policy on Sexual Misconduct (VI-1.60) (action)
g. Campus Crime Reports (information)
h. 2015-2016 Agenda Brainstorming (information)

7. Committee on Economic Development and Technology Commercialization Regent Attman

a. Approval of meeting minutes from June 11, 2015 Public Session (action)

8. BOR Work Group on E&E 2.0 Regent Attman

9. Committee of Organization and Compensation Regent Kinkopf

a. Approval of meeting minutes: i. April 2, 2015 Public and Closed Sessions (action)
ii. May 27, 2015 Public and Closed Sessions (action)
iii. June 9, 2015 Public and Closed Sessions (action)
b. Policy VII-5.00 Revision (Policy on Performance Evaluation of the Chancellor and the Institution Presidents/Center Directors of USM (action)
c. Policy VII-5.01 Revision (Board of Regents Policy on the 5-year Review of USM Presidents) (action)

10. Reconvene to Closed Session (action) Chairman Shea