July 7, 2000
Chairman Chapman moved, Regent Larson seconded and the Board
of Regents voted unanimously to convene in closed and
executive session on Friday, July 7, 2000, at University of
Maryland Eastern Shore, Princess Anne, MD beginning at 7:30
a.m. Those present were: Chairman Chapman, Regents
Billingsley, Finan, Gonzales, Houghton, Josey, Kendall, Kim,
Larson, Lincoln, Nevins, Oxendine, Tydings, Virts and Wood.
The meeting adjourned at 8:30 a.m.
The Board of Regents and the Chancellor reviewed items on
the agenda that were exempted under the Open Meetings Act
for consideration in closed and executive session on July 7,
2000, at University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Princess
Anne, MD beginning at 8:30 a.m. Those present were:
Chairman Chapman, Regents Billingsley, Finan, Gonzales,
Houghton, Josey, Kendall, Kim, Larson, Lincoln, Nevins,
Oxendine, Tydings, Virts, and Wood, Chancellor Langenberg,
Assistant Attorney Generals Cobb and Short, and Ms. Ryan.
The meeting adjourned at 11:55.
Chairman Chapman moved, Regent Larson seconded, and the
Board of Regents voted unanimously to convene in closed and
executive session with the Chancellor's Council on Friday,
July 7, 2000 at University of Maryland Eastern Shore,
Princess Anne, MD at 12:00 p.m. Those present were:
Chairman Chapman, Regents Billingsley, Finan, Gonzales,
Houghton, Josey, Kendall, Kim, Larson, Lincoln, Nevins,
Oxendine, Tydings, Wood, Virts, Chancellor Langenberg, Vice
Chancellors Martin, Middleton, and Vivona, Associate Vice
Chancellors Bryan, Canavan, Komenda, Miyares, Zinner,
Assistant Attorney Generals Cobb and Short, Presidents
Burnett, Dudley-Eshbach, Gira, Heeger, Hrabowski, Hunter-
Cevera, Lowe, Ramsay, Smith, Spikes, Turner, BOR staff
advisor Berkman, and Ms. Ryan, Vice Presidents Charles
Sturtz (UMCP) and Steven C. Wilson, (UMCES), Steven Havas
(CUSF), Larry Lauer (CUSS), William Chapin.
The Board of Regents and the Chancellor's Council reviewed
items on the agenda that are exempted under the Open
Meetings Act for consideration in closed and executive
session. The meeting adjourned at 1:20 p.m.
I. Call to Order, Welcome and Remarks from the Host
The public meeting of the Board of Regents of the
University System of Maryland was called to order by
Chairman Chapman on Friday, July 7, 2000 at University
of Maryland Eastern Shore, Princess Anne, MD beginning
at 1:42 p.m. Those present were: Chairman Chapman,
Regents Billingsley, Finan, Gonzales, Houghton, Josey,
Kendall, Kim, Larson, Lincoln, Nevins, Oxendine,
Tydings, Wood and Virts.
Regent Chapman introduced and welcomed the two new
regents, Joseph D. Tydings and Kevin G. Oxendine.
President Spikes welcomed members of the Board of
Regents and guests to UMES. Ronald Forsythe, Jr. and
Catherine Bolek of the UMES staff gave an overview of
the Preliminary Business Plan for the Applied
Information Technology Center.
II. Committee of the Whole
A. Chairman Chapman moved that the Board of Regents
approve the minutes of, and ratify the actions
taken at, the April 7, 2000; seconded by Regent
Wood, and unanimously approved.
B. Election of Officers - the slate of officers for FY
2001 were placed into nomination to the Board by
Regent Billingsley, Chair of the Nominating
Committee. A motion to approve was made by Regent
Kendall and seconded by Regent Josey and unanimously
approved. The officers for FY 2001 are:
Nathan A. Chapman, Jr., Chairman
Charles R. Larson, Vice Chairman
Steny H. Hoyer, Secretary
Louise Michaux Gonzales, Treasurer
Lillian Hobson Lincoln, Assistant Secretary
Thomas B. Finan, Assistant Treasurer
C. The FY 2001 Schedule of Meeting Dates for the Board
of Regents was presented. Regent Chapman moved
approve the dates; seconded by Regent Billingsley
and unanimously approved. See attached.
D. Vice Chancellor Vivona presented an overview of the
updated University System of Maryland Strategic Plan
that will be reviewed on an annual basis to
accommodate changing circumstances.
Regent Chapman stated that the Plan is a work in
process document and that the Board would welcome
comments. He emphasized that the Board will
continue to review the document to ensure that it
is compatible with the state plan and legislative
Request for approval of the USM Strategic Plan
pursuant to the mandate required of the Board by
the legislature, was made by Regent Billingsley
and seconded by Regent Wood.
The Board directed the USM staff to forward a copy
of the plan to any interested constituents.
Unanimously approved.
III. Committee on Advancement - Regent Josey reported
that the Committee on Advancement met on May 12 and
June 13.At the May 12 meeting Associate Vice Chancellor
Canavan reported that the USM Strategic Plan will
address three critical issues for all Marylanders (1)
approving the quality of higher education; (2) identifying
our institutions contributions the state (3) measuring the
System's level of public service to Maryland and our
accountability. Mr.Canavan noted that the communications
plan that was developed by his office will work in tandem
with the Strategic Plan.
Associate Vice Chancellor for Federal Relations, Paul
Sweet, reported that the total System grants for this
year will exceed the $500 million dollar mark of last
Vice Chancellor for Advancement John Martin expressed
some concern that the Capital Campaign might see a
shortfall this year 2000 unless there is a surge of
last minute giving.
Action Items:
A. Creation of Campus-based Foundation at the
University of Maryland, College Park and
Recognition of the University of Maryland,
Baltimore Foundation: Request to approve was
made by Regent Josey,motion made by Chairman
Chapman, seconded by Regent Billingsley and
unanimously approved.
B. Amendment of Regents' Policy on Recognition of
Affiliated Foundations Request to approve was
made by Regent Josey, moved by Regent Chapman,
seconded by Regent Billingsley and unanimously
C. Donation of Property to the University of
Baltimore - 5-6-7 West Chase Street. The
property will be used as UB Law Clinic and
Center for Families, Children and the Court.
Regent Wood asked if a survey of the building
had been received and if UB was satisfied with
the report. President Turner said a survey had
been received and the building had been looked
over very thoroughly.
Request to approve was made by Regent Josey,
moved by Regent Chapman, seconded by Regent
Wood and unanimously approved.
IV. Committee on Audit - No Report
V. Education Policy Committee
Regent Gonzales presented the report from the Education
Policy Committee which met on May 23 and June 29.
Action Items:
A. Recommendations on Academic Programs Identified
by MHEC as "Low Productivity." One program from
Coppin State College will be recommended for
discontinuence - a master's level correctional
education program. Coppin State College agrees
with the recommendation.
It is the recommendation of the committee that
those programs scheduled for exemption under the
special criteria be reviewed in five years.
There are programs listed as low degree of
productivity. The institutions and the committee
are unsure whether these programs ought to be
continued. It was agreed these programs will be
reviewed in one year.
Request to approve was made by Regent Gonzales,
moved by Regent Chapman and seconded by Regent
Regent Billingsley reminded the Board the end
result of this is a report to the General
Assembly and we need to include in the motion
that an explanatory letter accompany the report
to the General Assembly explaining the process
and why we are satisfied why only one program
was eliminated.
Regent Gonzales stated she would be happy to
provide an explanation letter to the General
Motion unanimously approved.
B. USM Enrollment Projections - USM should expect
an increase of enrollment over the next 10 years.
Request to approve was made by Regent Gonzales
moved by Regent Chapman and seconded by Admiral
Regent Nevins stated that some members of the
committee were not in complete agreement with
the methodology used in making the enrollment
projections and would like to see the process
revamped for next year. The Chancellor has
agreed to work with the Presidents in revamping
the process for next year.
Motion unanimously approved.
C. Rescission of USM Policy on Student Financial
Aid (V-3.00) - Request to approve made by Regent
Gonzales; moved by Regent Chapman, seconded by
Regent Josey; motion unanimously approved.
D. Technology Fluency Plans - Request made by
Regent Gonzales that the Board of Regents
accept the initial reports from the
institutions on Technology Fluency at their
institutions and direct the Chancellor to
work with the Presidents to develop a format
for future reporting on the substantive
issues outlined in the resolution passed
on Technology Fluency. The Regents asked
that the Chancellor seek approval of that
proposed format not later than January 2001;
moved by Regent Chapman, seconded by Regent
Regent Chapman requested that the proposed
format be provided to the Board at the August
Board meeting rather than the January 2001
Motion unanimously approved.
E. Recommendation on Approval of New Program
Proposals. Request to approve made by Regent
Gonzales that the Board of Regents approve the
New Program Proposals as a group; moved by Regent
Chapman, seconded by Regent Nevins; motion
unanimously approved.
SSU - Post-Bacc Certificate in Teaching and
Learning with Technology
TU - MA in Applied Economics (objection: MHEC)
TU - MS in Physician Assistant Studies
UB - PsyD in Assessment and Consulting
UMB/UMBC - MS/PhD in Gerontology
UMBC - BA in Visual Arts
UMBC - BS in Electrical Engineering
(objection: MHEC)
UMBC - MS/PhD in Atmospheric Physics
UMBC - Post-Bacc Certificate in Electronic
UMBC - Upper Div Certificate in Pre-
Professional Studies in Accounting
UMCP - Mlfsc in Life Sciences
UMCP - MS/PhD in Behavior, Ecology, Evolution
and Systematics
UMCP - Upper Div Certificate in Asian
American Studies
UMES - MS in Rehabilitation Counseling
UMUC - MS in Electronic Commerce (objection:
Capitol College)
UMUC - MS in Information Technology
F. Policy on Concurrent Faculty and Administrative
Appointments - Request to approve made by Regent
Gonzales, moved by Regent Chapman, seconded by
Regent Larson and unanimously approved.
G. Policy on Faculty Appointment Letters or
Contracts - Request to approve was made by
Regent Gonzales, moved by Regent Chapman,
seconded by Regent Josey and unanimously
H. Policy on Shared Governance was tabled
until a later date.
Information Items:
A. Institutional Undergraduate Student Financial Aid
B. Mission Statements of the USM Institutions: Format
and Timeline - Mission statements to the Board of
Regents at its October 27 meeting and to MHEC by
October 30, 2000.
C. K-16 Update
Regent Chapman announced that Regent Nina
Houghton has agreed to serve on the Commission
on Disadvantaged and Able Students which is an
outgrowth of efforts by Delegate Rawlings to
improve and partner with K-12.
D. USM Strategic Plan
E. Implications of BOR III-4.10 - Policy on
F. Policy on Honorary Degrees, III-3.00 - a
subcommittee has been formed to study the
criteria for giving honorary degrees and will
report to the Board.
G. Revised Format for Reports on Intercollegiate
Athletics - a subcommittee has been formed to
work on the revised format for reporting athletic
VI. Report of the Committee on Finance presented by Regent
Lillian Hobson Lincoln. The Finance Committee met
on June 1 and June 15. On June 1 the Committee and
eight Regents met to discuss the capital budget and
the System funded construction program. A workshop
was presented to better inform the Regents how the
budget process works. The Regents are requesting
a five year budget totaling $717,000,000.
Vice Chancellor Vivona presented an overview of the
Capital Budget.
Action items:
A. FY 2002 Capital Budget Request of $275,379,000
and System Priority Listing: 2002-2006 Capital
Improvement Program; and FY 2002-2022 Ten Year
Capital Plan - Request for approval made by
Regent Lincoln, moved by Regent Chapman,
seconded by Regent Gonzales and unanimously
B. FY 2001 System Funded Construction Program
Request of $63,635,000 - Request to approve
made by Regent Lincoln, moved by Regent
Chapman, seconded by Regent Billingsley and
unanimously approved.
C. Nineteenth Bond Resolution - Request to approve
made by Regent Lincoln, moved by Regent Chapman,
seconded by Regent Nevins, and unanimously
D. Revision to the VIII-1.10-Policy for
Capitalization and Inventory Control - Request
to approve made by Regent Lincoln, moved by
Chairman Chapman seconded by Regent Larson
and unanimously approved.
E. Financial Data Report for the Ten Months ended
April 30, 2000- Request to approve made by
Regent Lincoln, moved by Chairman Chapman,
seconded by Regent Wood and unanimously approved.
Information Items:
A. USM - Quarterly Review of Capital Improvement
Vice Chancellor Vivona informed the Regents about
a recent bond sale. The University sold $90M of
auxiliary bonds; six underwriting syndicates bid
on the bonds - Solomon Smith Barney won with a
true interest cost of 5.389%. The next in line
would have been Payne Webber with a bid of 5.4%.
This will fund projects that were passed with the
eighteenth bond resolution a year ago.
VII. Report of the Technology Committee - Regent Wood
presented an overview of the Technology Committee since
its beginning one year ago and how the committee is
working with the USM institutions to assist them in
bringing their technology up to date. A minimum
information technology standard was adopted by the
Regents on April 7, 2000. A questionnaire has been
sent to each institution requesting information on
each element of the Info Tech Standard; what each
institution needed to do in order to comply with each
element of the standard; how much money would it cost
to get in compliance and where would the money come
from. Regent Wood commended each institution for their
work in responding to the questionnaire. The responses
have been summarized; we have asked for $40M in one
time money to help fund the one time expenses by each
institution to bring them up to the minimum standard.
There is an estimated recurrent cost of $38M for the
institutions to maintain the status quo of the minimum
standards. The Committee is working on ideas to look
to cut down on this expense. The Chancellor has
requested that the Presidents assist in finding other
funds to help offset these expenses.
VIII. Report of the Organization and Compensation
Committee - Regent Billingsley reported there were
three meetings. The Committee has recommended in
Executive Session, and the Board approved, exemptions
for Dr. David Ramsay, President of UMB to serve on the
management team of the University Medicines
International. In closed and Executive Session the
regents discussed the annual performance evaluations
of the Chancellor and Presidents.
IX. Chancellors Report - Chancellor Langenberg deferred
his report at this time.
X. Reports of the Advisory Councils:
A. Council of University System Presidents -
President Ramsay gave a report of CUSP. He
publicly recognized the supportive role of
the governor and legislature in the last
year for the increase of capital and other
budgets; appreciation to the Board for the
time devoted to the campuses; Capitalization
on the Larson Commission - institutional-centric
development, State Plan, Strategic Plan,
Campus Plans; Funding Guidelines becoming
a reality; continue to work to maintain
institution cohesiveness; and Presidents
pledge to continue to support USM and
the Regents.
B. Council of University System Faculty - Dr. Havas
introduced the in-coming chair of CUSF for FY 2001 -
Dr. William Chapin of UMES. Dr.Havas reported that
CUSF is working on:
· Faculty Salaries
· Faculty Grievance Procedures
· State Plan
· Recycling on Campuses
· Shared Governance
Dr. Havas thanked Chairman Chapman and the Board for
their assistance during his tenure as Chair of CUSF.
(Full report on file with the minutes).
C. Council of University System Staff - Chair Larry
Lauer reported that CUSS has been working on:
· BOR Staff Awards
· Training Programs for Staff
· Contingent Contractual Employees
· Shared Government
· Collective Bargaining
D. Council of University System Student Councils -
report on file.
XI. New Business
A. Announcement of Regents Staff Awards Program to
recognize outstanding staff members of the USM
community. Only employees of the System community
can be nominated. CUSS has screened 46 nominess
in three categories: Service to the Institution;
Service to Students and Public Service. Six
individuals have been forwarded to the Regents for
approval. There will be an awards presentation at
an event in the fall. Each winner receives a
check for $1000 and a plaque.
Linda Abresh, Salisbury
Leon Bevins, UMES
Beverly Comegys - Towson
William Crockett, UMB
Lu Ann Marshall, UMB
Robert Miller, UMCES
Motion to approve awardees made by Regent Chapman,
seconded by Louise Gonzales and unanimously approved.
B. Resolution of the BOR of the exemplary service of
Andrew D. Miller, student regent
"Whereas, Andrew D. Miller has served as Student
Regent for the past year and has been a steadfast
and articulate advocate for students throughout
the University System of Maryland; and
Whereas, his activities on the Board of Regents
were an extension of the time he has devoted on
his own campus, Frostburg State University, to
leadership, volunteerism, and community-building;
Whereas, his tenure on the Board has been marked
by an especially tenacious interest in those
issues about which he feels deeply, including
access to college, need-based financial aid, and
teacher preparation; and
Whereas, his consistent participation in the
Board's deliberations was made possible by his
dedication to "doing his homework" and fully
preparing for each meeting; and
Whereas, he is respected by fellow Regents for his
commitment to the Board, his support of the
University System, and his strong belief in higher
education as a tool of personal and societal
Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Board of
Regents of the University System of Maryland
gratefully acknowledges Andrew D.Miller's
contributions to the University System of Maryland;
Be it further resolved that the Board of Regents
wishes Andrew D. Miller much success in all of his
future endeavors."
C. Regent Wood reported that the Phi Delta Theta
Social Fraternity has adopted a no alcohol policy
for the first time. In Executive Session today,
the Board of Regents adopted a resolution
endorsing and approving this policy. "
The USM Board of Regents endorses the recent
national policy of Phi Delta Theta Fraternity that
prohibits alcohol in Phi Delta Theta housing or on
its property. The policy states that there shall
be no alcohol either present or consumed on the
grounds or in chapter housing. Phi Delta Theta,
founded in 1872 is the first fraternity to adopt a
national alcohol-free policy. The Board recognizes
this action as a sensible deterrent to alcohol abuse
problems on college campuses and publicly commends
Phi Delta Theta for adopting this policy and for
taking the national leadership role on this issue."
Meeting Adjourned - 3:42 pm