Approved October 5, 2001
August 24, 2001
University of Maryland, College Park
Chairman Chapman moved, Regent Wood seconded and the Board of
Regents voted unanimously to convene in closed and Executive
Session on Friday, August 24, 2001, at University of Maryland,
College Park beginning at 8:30 a.m. Those present were: Chairman
Chapman, Regents Billingsley, Finan, Florestano, Gonzales, Josey,
Kendall, Mister, Nevins, Rasheed, Rosapepe, Wood, and Assistant
Attorneys General Anderson and Short. The Board of Regents
reviewed items on the agenda that were exempted under the Open
Meetings Act for consideration in closed and executive session.
The meeting adjourned at 9:30 a.m.
Chairman Chapman moved, Regent Nevins seconded and the Board of
Regents voted unanimously to convene in closed and Executive
Session with the Chancellor on Friday, August 24, 2001, at
University of Maryland, College Park at 9:30 a.m. Those present
were Chairman Chapman, Regents Billingsley, Finan, Florestano,
Gonzales, Josey, Kendall, Marcus, Mister, Nevins, Rasheed,
Rosapepe, Wood, Chancellor Langenberg, Assistant Attorneys
General Anderson and Short, and Ms. Ryan. The Board of Regents
and the Chancellor reviewed items on the agenda that were
exempted under the Open Meetings Act for consideration in closed
and executive session. The meeting adjourned at 11:15 a.m.
Chairman Chapman moved, Regent Wood seconded and the Board of
Regents voted unanimously to convene in closed and Executive
Session with Chancellor's Council on Friday, August 24, 2001, at
University of Maryland, College Park at 11:30 a.m. Those present
were: Chairman Chapman, Regents Billingsley, Finan, Florestano,
Gonzales, Josey, Kendall, Marcus, Mister, Nevins, Rasheed,
Rosapepe, Wood, Chancellor Langenberg, Assistant Attorneys
General Anderson and Short, Vice Chancellors Martin, Middleton,
and Vivona, and Ms. Ryan; Presidents Burnett, Gira, Hrabowski,
Lowe, Mote, Ramsay, and Turner; Provost David Buchanan (SU), Vice
President Steven Wilson (UMCES), Exec. Vice President Jackie
Thomas (UMES), Vice President Dan Jones (Towson), Mr. Larry Lauer
(UMBI), Dr. Laslo Boyd, (UMUC), Dr. Chapin (CUSF), Ms. Fran
Younger (CUSS) and USM staff members. The Board of Regents and
the Chancellor's Council reviewed items on the agenda that are
exempted under the Open Meetings Act for consideration in closed
and executive session. The meeting adjourned at 12:30 p.m.
A. Call to Order, Welcome and Remarks from the Host Institution
The public meeting of the Board of Regents of the University
System of Maryland was called to order at 1:13 p.m. by
Chairman Chapman on Friday, August 24, 2001 at University of
Maryland, College Park. Those present were: Chairman
Chapman, Regents Billingsley, Finan, Florestano, Gonzales,
Josey, Kendall, Marcus, Mister, Nevins, Rasheed, Rosapepe,
Wood, Chancellor Langenberg, Assistant Attorneys General
Anderson and Short, Vice Chancellors Martin, Middleton, and
Vivona, and Ms. Ryan; Presidents ; Presidents Gira,
Hrabowski, Lowe, Mote, Ramsay, and Turner; Provost David
Buchanan (SU), Vice President Steven Wilson (UMCES), Exec.
Vice President Jackie Thomas (UMES), Vice President Dan
Jones (Towson), Mr. Larry Lauer (UMBI), Dr. Laslo Boyd,
(UMUC), Dr. Chapin (CUSF), Ms. Fran Younger (CUSS),USM
staff, members of the press and other observers.
President Mote presented welcoming remarks to University of
Maryland, College Park and gave brief remarks on the status
of the Performing Arts, Biosciences and Education. He then
introduced three students who discussed their education
experiences in the areas of Performing Arts, Biosciences and
Education while studying at UMCP.
B. Committee of the Whole
1. Minutes of the July 13, 2001 meeting of the Board of
Regents were unanimously approved.
2. Contingent Deferred Compensation Plan - Motion to
approve by Chairman Chapman, seconded by Regent
Regent Nevins offered an amendment that served to
grandfather in all existing System employees who are
subject to this issue but newly hired employees of USM
campuses would not be eligible for this additional
Motion to approve amendment by Regent Nevins, moved by
Regent Chapman and seconded by Regent Kendall and
Contingent Deferred Compensation Plan with the
amendment was unanimously approved.
3. Supplemental Qualified Retirement Plan - Withdrawn
from the Agenda.
C. Reports of the Advisory Councils
1. Council of University System Presidents: No report
2. Council of University System Faculty: Dr. Chapin ,
Chair of the Council of University System Staff gave
a brief report on goals for FY 2002.
3. Council of University System Staff - Vice Chair
Fran Younger gave a brief report on the goals for
CUSS for upcoming FY 2002.
4. University System Student Council: No Report
D. Report of the Organization and Compensation Committee -
Regent Finan presented the Collective Bargaining
Definitions for Supervisory, Managerial and Confidential
Employees for approval. Motion by Regent Finan; moved
by Regent Chapman; seconded by Regent Rosapepe and
unanimously approved.
E. Report of the Committee on Finance
The consent agenda for items 1 and 2 was motioned for
acceptance by Regent Nevins; moved by Regent Chapman;
seconded by Regent Rosapepe and unanimously approved:
1. FY 2003 Schedule of Tuition and Mandatory Fees. Regent
Nevins stated that the Finance Committee will undertake
a Tuition and Fee study and will bring recommendations
to the board in the Spring of 2002. The Finance
Committee in conjunction with the Technology Committee
will also look at the possibility of instituting a
Technology Fee.
2. USM: Four Year Tuition Plan
3. USM: Historical Tuition Analysis presented for
information only.
The consent agenda for items number 4and 5 was motioned for
acceptance by Regent Nevins; moved by Regent Chapman;
seconded by Regent Florestano;
4. FY 2003 Operating Budget Request
5. FY 2003 Separate List Request and OCR Enhancement
Regent Wood requested adding an additional item on the
Operating Budget on page 8 which would be an additional
goal (#7) - that the USM would strive to achieve
national eminence in information technology system-wide
as discussed during the Finance Committee meeting on
August 23, 2001. Vice Chancellor Vivona is drafting
the addenda.
Items with addenda unanimously approved.
Regent Chapman stated that the Regents and Presidents
would fight for every dollar in the budget during the
upcoming legislature.
6. Resolution Regarding Recognition of the 25% Goal in
Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) Participation in
System-wide Procurement Efforts - Motion for
acceptance by Regent Nevins, moved by Regent Chapman,
seconded by Regent Gonzales.
Regent Nevins noted that USM would contact the
appropriate State officials to modify the eligibility
requirements for companies to be recognized to
participate in the program.
Regent Chapman congratulated the Regents their decision
to change the MBE goal.
Regent Josey requested that we identify all of the
minority contractors used whether or not they are
counted toward the 25% goal.
Regent Chapman noted that when contracts are presented
to the Board, everything possible will be done to meet
this goal.
Unanimously approved.
7. Extension of USM Tuition Remission Benefits to St.
Mary's College of Maryland Morgan State University's
Permanent Faculty, Permanent Staff, and their
Dependent Children - Regent Nevins recommended
approval of the extension of tuition remission
benefits by USM to St. Mary's College of Maryland
and Morgan State University contingent upon a
reciprocal policy for tuition remission
will be offered to USM permanent faculty, permanent
staff and dependent children. Room and Board is not
included in the program. Motion to approve by Regent
Nevins, moved by Regent Chapman, seconded by Regent
Florestano and unanimously approved.
8. USM: Increase Authorizations of Four Capital Projects.
Motion to approve by Regent Nevins, moved by Regent
Chapman, seconded by Regent Kendall and unanimously
9. USM: Quarterly Review of Capital Improvement Projects
(Information only)
10. USM: Financial Data Report for the year ended June 30,
2001. (Information only)
F. Technology Committee - Regent Wood reported on the meeting
of August 3, 2001.
1. Information Technology Policies motion to approve
by Regent Wood, moved by Regent Chapman, seconded
by Regent Josey and unanimously approved.
Regent Wood stated that the USM Information
Technology Plan will be completed and brought
to the Board for approval.
Regent Chapman stated that the Board wants to
accomplish three basic things (1) all students
have access to a computer; (2) all students
upon graduation have a minimum knowledge/
capability of technological proficiency;
(3) each campus have a minimum standard of
technological capability.
G. Committee on Audit - Regent Kendall - no report.
H. Report of the Committee on Education Policy - Regent
Gonzales - No report
I. External Relations Committee - Regent Josey stated that the
External Relations Committee had not met but provided an
update on the USM Campaign. The institutions have raised
$149M in FY 2001 exceeding the $140M annual goal. The
overall System goal of $700M has been exceeded - it is
now at $761M. Regent Josey applauded the Presidents and
their staffs for their fine efforts.
J. Chancellor Langenberg presented an overview of the FY
2001 USM Annual Report. Copies are on file with the
minutes of the Board meeting.
K. New Business: Regent Rosapepe introduced Delegate
Pauline Menes who was attending the meeting.
L. Adjournment: 2:30 p.m.