Approved 2/13/04



December 12, 2003

(Rescheduled from December 9, 2003)

University of Maryland, Baltimore


Chairman Kendall moved, Regent Larson seconded and the Board of Regents voted unanimously to convene in Closed and Executive Session with the Chancellor on Friday, December 12, 2003, at 8:15 a.m. at the University of Maryland, Baltimore. Those present were: Chairman Kendall, Regents Finan, Florestano, Houghton, Johnson, Mandel, Nevins, Pettit, Riley, Shockley, Tydings, Wood; Chancellor Kirwan, Vice Chancellors Goldstein and Vivona, Ms. Ryan, Assistant Attorney Generals Anderson and Short. The Board of Regents reviewed items on the agenda that were exempted under the Open Meetings Act for consideration in closed and executive session. The meeting adjourned at 9:15 a.m.

Public Session

Chairman Kendall called the Public Session of the Board of Regents to order at 9:20 a.m. at the University of Maryland, Baltimore on Friday, December 12, 2003. Those present were: Chairman Kendall, Regents Finan, Florestano, Houghton, Johnson, Mandel, Nevins, Pettit, Riley, Shockley, Tydings, Wood; Chancellor Kirwan, Vice Chancellors Goldstein and Vivona, Interim Vice Chancellor Dillon, Presidents Battle, Boesch, Bogomolny, Caret, Heeger, Hrabowski, Lowe, Vice President, Holden (UMES); Dr. Zinner for SU; Dr. Jackson for UMBI, Dr. Orlan for UMB, Assistant Attorney Generals Anderson and Short, Ms. Ryan and USM staff members, members of the press and other observers.

A. Committee of the Whole:

1. Chairman Kendall called the meeting to order and thanked UMB for hosting the meeting - rescheduled because of weather from December 5, 2003.

2. Chancellor's Report - Dr. Kirwan presented his report to the Board. He introduced Anne Moultrie, newly appointed Associate Vice Chancellor for Communications; presented an overview of the various meetings with state legislators; Speaker of the House Busch's Task Force on Affordability meetings and his meeting with Secretary DiPaula. Full text of the report on file with the minutes.

3. Chairman Kendall and Chancellor Kirwan presented the 2003 Regents Staff Awards to:

    • Frances Younger, UMCES - Exceptional Contribution to the Institution - Exempt
    • Gregory Bagwell, UMBC - Exceptional Contribution to the Institution - Nonexempt
    • Andrea Spratt, UMBC, Outstanding Service to Students - Exempt
    • Jamie Winters, FSU, Outstanding Service to Students - Nonexempt
    • Ramona Arthur, UMBC, Extraordinary Public Service - Exempt
    • Monica Herrera, UMCP, Extraordinary Public Service - Nonexempt

4. Designation of December 26, 2003 as a USM Holiday - The Governor declared December 26 as an additional State holiday for all State employees. Since this date is already a holiday for USM, the Board must declare December 26 an official holiday. Presidents can assign the holiday at another time during the year such as January 2, 2004. Moved by Regent Florestano, seconded by Regent Kendall and unanimously approved.

B. Regent Florestano presented the report of the Education Policy Committee, which met on November 19, 2003.

1. The minutes of the November 19, 2003 meeting were unanimously approved.

2. Creation of a School of Business at Bowie State University. Regent Florestano moved for approval; seconded by Regent Finan and unanimously approved.

3. Bowie State University Shared Governance Accountability Plan. Regent Florestano moved for approval; seconded by Regent Tydings and unanimously approved.

The following items were presented for information purposes:

4. Annual Review of Existing Academic Programs

5. USM Opening Fall Enrollments, 2003

6. Report and Recommendations of the Tuition Task Force. Further discussion is scheduled on this topic and the new tuition policy for the full Board.

7. Report on the Instructional Workload of the USM Faculty.

Regent Johnson stated that many faculty are working over their workload.

Regent Tydings stated that the presentation presented by Regent Kendall and Chancellor Kirwan at the first meeting of the Busch Taskforce was excellent and charts were prepared with much good information that helps to disspell the misinformation that has appeared in the press regarding USM salaries, faculty workload, numbers of administrators, etc. He requested that regents receive copies of these charts so that the information can be used during the coming legislative session.

8. Annual Report of the Office of Civil Rights Partnership Agreement

9. Report on External Funding, FY 2003. Regent Shockley noted that this was the first year that extramural funding was higher than State funding.

10. Alcohol Use and Abuse at USM Institutions. The Committee heard a panel of campus representatives address this issue. Regent Florestano said that a faculty member proposed the formation of systemwide council to share best practices and enable campuses to work more closely on these issues.

Regent Kendall suggested that the Education Policy Committee look at the idea of a systemwide council and report back to the Board with a recommendation.

C. The report on the Committee on Finance was presented by Regent Nevins.

Regent Nevins moved that items 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 be placed on the consent agenda; seconded by Regent Tydings.

2. UMCES Facilities Master Plan 2002-2012

4. Classification of Overload Surcharge Fee at Towson University

5. UMB: Procurement of Scientific Supplies and Equipment

6. UMUC: Operating Services Contract

7. BSU: Affiliated Foundation Recognition

Items were unanimously approved.

3. Tuition Task Force Report and Recommendations. Regent Nevins presented a brief overview of the report and its recommendation. He then moved for approval; seconded by Regent Florestano.

Discussion followed. Regent Mandel stated he couldn't vote for approval because he believed that the legislature would look to the USM to raise tuition to cover costs rather than to increase state aid. Regent Tydings agreed. After much discussion Regent Nevins called for a vote: 7 in favor; 4 abstentions; item did not pass. There will be special meeting of the full Board of Regents via teleconference prior to the holidays to reconsider the report.

The following items were presented as information:

8. USM Opening Fall Enrollments, 2003

9. USM: Minority Business Enterprise Activity Report for FY ending June 30, 2003

Goal of state and goals adopted by regents is 25% of contracting to be in form of eligible minority enterprises. Success year in 03; we are at 15%.

10. USM Quarterly Review of Capital Improvements Projects

D. Regent Wood presented the report on Organization and Compensation Committee for Regent Larson. The committee met on November 24, 2003.

1. Amendment to the Bylaws of the USM Board of Regents which will allow for full participation via teleconference or video conferencing participation in committee and task force meetings. The amendment would also allow for board members to monitor full board meetings via teleconference or video conferencing. Motion to approve by Regent Wood; moved for approval by Regent Florestano; seconded by Regent Johnson and unanimously approved.

2. The Organization and Compensation Committee had recommended that the Board meeting originally scheduled for July 9, 2004 be changed to June 23, 2004 so that the Board has a chance to review the capital budget that is sent to Annapolis by June 30th. Motion to approve by Regent Wood, moved by Regent Florestano, seconded by Regent Tydings and unanimously approved.

The Committee also recommended designating the June 23, 2004 meeting of the Board as the annual meeting. Motion to approve by Regent Wood, moved by Regent Florestano, seconded by Regent Tydings and unanimously approved.

E. Council Reports

1. President Heeger presented the report of the Council of University System Presidents for President Gira. The Presidents continue their efforts leading their campuses through these demanding times. Presidents want to emphasize their support for the Regents efforts in exploring new efficient and effective initiatives for revenue generation and their efforts in rethinking the System's and institution's public corporation status and appreciate being able to work with the work groups.

2. Report of the CUSF was presented by Dr. Vince Brannigan for Dr. Martha Siegel. CUSF is working with the board and campuses to deliver a common message to the legislature. CUSF supports the Tuition Task Force Report; CUSF is organizing a Student Research Day in Annapolis for legislators in February.

3. Mr. Joe Hill presented the report of CUSS. Mr. Hill thanked the Regent, Chancellor, Presidents for the assistance in working with CUSS during the past year and looks forward to more collaboration in the coming year.

4. Report of the University System Student Council was presented by Chairman Dan Purcell. Mr. Purcell thanked Regent Rosapepe for attending a meeting to discuss the workings of the State Legislature. The Council will host Annapolis 101 in February with student council representations meeting with various legislators. The Council will be presenting their FY 2004 nominations for student regent to Chancellor Kirwan shortly. He also thanked Regent Houghton for attending their most recent meeting.

H. New Business

1. Regent Kendall reported on the E&E Workgroup. The group is looking at a number of areas: shorten time to degree; ways for campuses to operate more effectively; streamlining, outsourcing; administrative affairs; distance learning, satellite campuses.

Dr. Kirwan stated that the Busch Taskforce has had two meetings so far with an additional meeting scheduled at UMBC on economic development and a final meeting to be held in Annapolis. The conclusions will lead to legislative recommendations.

2. Regent Wood presented the report of the Resource Development Workgroup which has had presentations from campuses and the USM office. The group is working to identify external revenue sources; beginning plans for new capital campaign; will look into having external consultants present additional ideas in the area of resource development.

Regent Wood then presented a report from the subgroup, including Regent Pevenstein, of Finance Committee looking at facilities renewal. A letter has been sent to each institution requesting a list of facilities that need repair (safety violations, leaking roofs, wet basements, etc.) or replacement. A summary will be presented at the February 2004 board meeting. The board will work closely with Chancellor Kirwan and Vice Chancellor Vivona to find short term and long term solutions to campus needs.

3. Regent Johnson presented a report of the Public Corporation Workgroup. The group is analyzing the statute to understand exactly what is meant by public corporation. Input is being requested from the institutions on what type of flexibility would be helpful in the areas of personnel and procurement. The group will invite a national expert to attend a workgroup meeting in January to bring additional input to the group.

Regent Pettit congratulated former Coppin President, Dr. Calvin Burnett, for his appointment as Interim Secretary of the Maryland Higher Education Commission.

Meeting adjourned at 11:41 a.m.