Approved as amended February 18, 2005
December 10, 2004
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Chairman Kendall moved, Regent Nevins seconded and the
Board of Regents voted unanimously to convene in Closed and Executive
Session with the Chancellor on Friday, December 10, 2004, 12:10 p.m.
and adjourned at 1:02 p.m. at UMBC. Those present were: Chairman
Kendall, Regents Acosta, Finan, Florestano, Gill, Horine, Houghton,
Hug, Johnson, Mandel, Mitchell, Nevins, Pettit, Pevenstein, Rosapepe,
and Tydings, Chancellor Kirwan, Vice Chancellors Vivona and Goldstein,
Mr. Sansbury, Mr. Page, Ms. Ryan, Assistant Attorney Generals Cobb and
Goedert. The Board of Regents reviewed items on the agenda that were
exempted under the Open Meetings Act for consideration in closed and
executive session.
Regent Florestano reported that an item originally on the agenda
for the Committee on Education Policy to amend the human relations
code at UMCP was withdrawn because of an opinion by the Attorney
General that the amendment was unnecessary because the language in
the code already protected the class of individual the amendment
was intended to address.
Regent Nevins presented three items involving property
acquisition or disposition - one for UMCP, two for UMUC.
All three items were approved; Regent Mitchell abstained.
The Board accepted the Finance Committee recommendation
to authorize the Chancellor and Vice Chancellor to proceed
in exploring potential new arrangements for the PeopleSoft
The Board approved (with one negative vote) a new coalition
bargaining agreement for non-exempt employees. The coalition
comprises eight institutions.
Public Session
A. Chairman Kendall called the meeting of the
University System of Maryland Board of Regents to order
at 9:08 a.m. on Friday, December 10, 2004 at UMBC. Those
in attendance were: Chairman Kendall, Regents Acosta,
Finan, Florestano, Gill, Horine, Houghton, Hug, Johnson,
Mandel, Mitchell, Nevins, Pettit, Pevenstein, Rosapepe,
and Tydings, Chancellor Kirwan, Vice Chancellors Goldstein,
and Vivona, Ms. Ryan, Assistant Attorney Generals Cobb and
Goedert; Presidents Bogomolny, Caret, Dudley-Eshbach, Gira,
Heeger, Hrabowski, Hunter-Cevera, Lowe, Mote, and Thompson;
Vice Presidents Wilson (UMCES), Orlin (UMB), Holden (UMES)
and Mitchell (SU), Ms Ryan, members of the press and others.
B. President Hrabowski welcomed members of the Board
of Regents, Presidents and other guests to UMBC. He then
presented three students and a faculty member who briefly
shared their experiences at UMBC. They were Aaron Rawlby,
an English major; Amanda DeFore, Biochemistry major and a
Meyerhoff Scholarship Program and Howard Hughes Medical
Institute Scholarship; Aaron Murkey, Political Science
and Sondheim Public Affairs Scholar; and Dr. Anne Spence,
Engineering Education.
C. 1. Regent Kendall and Chancellor Kirwan
presented the 2004 Board of Regents Staff
Awards to:
Kathy Sutphin, UMBC -
Exceptional Contribution to the Institution (exempt)
Elizabeth L. Shearn, Ph.D., UMCP, Outstanding Service
to Students (exempt)
Marsha Guenzler-Stevens, Ph.D., UMCP, Extraordinary
Public Service to The University of Greater Community (exempt)
Wallace J. Beery, FSU, Outstanding Service to
Students (non-exempt)
Priscilla L. Redding, UMES, Exceptional Contribution
to the Institution (non-exempt)
Patricia Musick, UMUC, Extraordinary Public Service
to the University of Greater Community (Non-exempt)
Items 2 and 3: Regent Kendall moved for the approval
of the minutes of the October 22, 2004 and November 19,
2004 meetings of the Board of Regents; seconded by Regent
Nevins and unanimously approved
. 4. Chancellor's Report - Full report is on file with
the minutes as well as on the USM website. Chancellor
Kirwan discussed:
- Budget and Tuition
- Financial Aid Report
- Effectiveness and Efficiency Project
- MHEC State Plan
Regent Tydings asked the Chancellor about the budget cuts at
the institutions before the E&E initiatives were begun.
The Chancellor said there are two things to keep in mind: (1)
we absorbed cuts of $120M to the budget and, in addition absorbed
mandated increases for fuel and utilities, health care benefits
and other items that total about $100M in the last three years.
In just those two items, somewhere between $220-250M; accomplished
through cuts to budgets and relatively high tuition increases. In
looking at the total, the breakdown is something like 62% of the
$220-250M was through reduction of expenditures; 38% was covered
by increased tuition. (2) The State also has efficiency
expectation of all entities through DBM. Each year we have
to document activities on the campuses that both reduce costs
and produce new non-State, non-tuition revenue. That figure
is about $60M each year; this is an on-going activity.
The Chancellor also added that there have been two years
with no salary increase for faculty and staff; this year 2.5%
merit and flat cola of $725 for all state employees.
Regent Tydings expressed concern about the effect of
reductions on retaining key faculty at the research
institutions. President Mote responded that UMCP is
concerned and gave some specific examples.
President Hrabowski echoed President Mote's concerns
and stated that there is a balancing act for the campuses.
On one hand, we want to talk about the loss of faculty.
As faculty build national reputations, they are sought
after and if we don't have the funding to retain them,
it is a loss of investment. The challenge is to balance
E&E initiatives with this potential loss.
Regent Rosapepe responded by saying E&E is not just
about budget cuts. E&E is not an excuse for the state
to not come up with adequate funding. Regent Kendall said
that E&E is not just about budget cuts but about making
a good System better in difficult times.
President Lowe reminded the Board of the faculty needs at
the comprehensive universities, which are the institutions
that will handle the enrollment surge over the next few years.
Regent Rosapepe brought up an incident that happened in
a residential area of College Park. Several student houses
sponsored a huge party that brought hundreds of students into
the residential community. Police were called and broke up
the party. The students did write an apology to the neighbors.
There is concern that there is not enough campus housing so
that students must live off campus.
President Mote said he deeply regretted the incident.
UMCP Vice President Clement stated that the campus has
added 2500 beds to the campus; 1000 more will come in
the Fall; additional housing is being constructed at
Prince George's Plaza to help with the problem. The
towns of Salisbury and Frostburg have capped the number
of houses that can be turned into group houses. The City
and County need to be the ones to address this problem.
UMBC student Rachel McMullin asked the following: "
How are you going to keep the tuition competitive."
Regent Kendall stated that the state is not the primary
source of income; contracts and grants and tuition are
the primary source of income for the campuses. It's not
a simple question that we have an answer for.
D. Report of the Councils
- Dr. Robert Bogomolny presented the report of the Council
of University System Presidents stating that increase in
salaries for faculty is a major issue for each of the
presidents. The institutions won't be able to meet
their missions without good faculty.
- Dr. Martha Siegel presented the report of the Council
of University System Faculty. Undergraduate Research Days
will be held in Annapolis on March 1, 2, 3, 2005. There
is concern regarding the benefits open enrollment scheduled
from July 1-July 30 as if affects the 9/10 month employees.
- Mr. William Crockett, chair of the Council of University
System Staff presented his report. Topics of interest have
been constitutional bylaws, shared governance; state employee
- Mr. Nicholas Aragon presented the report of the University
System Student Council. The Annual Annapolis 101 will be held
on Tuesday, January 18 in Annapolis. The Student Regent
selections will be forwarded to the USM Office prior to
the holidays.
E. Regent Florestano presented the report of the
Education Policy Committee.
1. The minutes of the October 16, 2004 meeting
were accepted.
- New Program proposals
- UB/TU Master of Business Administration. Regent
Florestano moved for approval; seconded by Regent
Mitchell and unanimously approved.
- UMCP: Master of Engineering and Public Policy.
Regent Florestano moved for approval; seconded by
Regent Mitchell and unanimously approved.
- UMUC: Global Master of Business Administration.
Regent Florestano moved for approval; seconded by Regent
Kendall and unanimously approved.
- UMUC: Master of Science in Financial Management.
Regent Florestano moved for approval; seconded by Regent
Nevins and unanimously approved.
- Creation of the School for Health Professions at UMES.
Regent Florestano moved for approval; seconded by Regent
Nevins and unanimously approved.
- Report of Statewide Task Force on Financial Aid.
Regent Florestano presented an overview of the Task
Force. The recommendations of the task force were to
decrease student loan debt; direct institutions to
establish a plan to allow for allocations of funds
from tuition increases to implement more financial
aid; increase the percent of tuition that goes into
financial aid; establish a goal for institutions to
reach at least the 75th percentile of
institutional peers and the average percent of need
met; need based versus non-need based aid and what
should the balance be; need to focus future efforts
on need based aid, percent of need based aid needs to
be increased; aid to Maryland community college transfer
students; graduate and professional student financial
aid; administrative processes - how do we improve what
we are doing now; increasing financial aid funding;
conduct a cost/benefit analysis of piloting the Miami
University of Ohio tuition model at one of the USM
Regent Mandel stated that the Task Force has
done a wonderful job. He suggested that symposia
are needed so that everyone has the same information
- bring people in from the Federal and State Governments
to give information to the campus financial aid
officers to educate them on various sources of
financial aid. There is much aid that is not being
taken advantage of now.
The Committee on Education Policy recommended
that the Board endorse this report and that the
Board charge the Chancellor to work with the
institutions to establish a time line and plan to implement
the recommendations paying particular
concerns articulated by Gov. Mandel. The
Board should also direct the USM office staff to review
and revise as appropriate the current system
policies on financial aid. Regent
Florestano moved for approval; seconded by Regent Hug.
A discussion followed.
Regent Rosapepe asked how much all of the
recommendations would cost if implemented.
Regent Florestano said there is no real way
to put a figure on the costs.
Regent Rosapepe stated that he would recommend
that one of the follow- ups would be for the
Chancellor's Office to do a financial analysis to put a
price tag on the recommendations.
Regent Florestano stated that she would add
the financial analysis to the recommendations.
Regent Florestano moved the acceptance of the
Financial Aid Task Force Report including
the addition of the financial analysis. Unanimously
Full Report on file with minutes as well as the
USM website.
- Reports on Academic Advising. Reports on Academic
Advising were presented to the Committee from UMCP and
Salisbury University. Reports are presented as
information only.
- Results of Periodic Reviews of Academic
Programs-presented as information only.
- Report on workload of the USM Faculty presented as
information only.
F. Finance Committee
Regent Nevins moved that items 1, 2, and 3 be
placed on the consent agenda; seconded by Regent
- UMB: Procurement of Scientific Supplies and Equipment
- TU: Dedication and Conveyance of Road Area to Baltimore.
- UMCP: Increase Authorization to Construct the Biosciences
Research Building
Items were unanimously approved.
- Report on the Statewide Task Force on Financial Aid was
presented to the Committee as an information item.
5. USM: Quarterly Review of Capital Improvement
Projects information only
G. Report of the Workgroups
- Regent Houghton presented the report of the first
Capital Campaign Work Group meeting which was held on
November 29, 2004. Minutes on file. The mission and
charter of the work group were approved. Three
presidents are serving as ex officio members of the
work group. The work group will be looking for Regent
support for fundraising with Regents directly involved
with the capital campaign; there was a discussion of the
upcoming seven year capital campaign and funding gaps
between institutions. Institution campaign goals are
due from each institution by the end of 2004.
- Regent Kendall submitted the report of the E&E
Work Group. The E&E report has been submitted and
the reaction has been quite positive. There are seven
major areas that have been identified. USM and officers
of our institutions are preparing action plans and time
lines to implement these plans. E&E will continue
to accept suggestions on an on-going basis. The Work
Group will be taking a look at the organization at
nontraditional institutions. We will try to identify
key elements that are dashboard indicators as to how we
are doing as a system.
Regent Mitchell suggested the addition of
student input to the E&E Work Group.
Regent Kendal said that E&E would consider
the suggestion.
H. Adjournment: 12:00 p.m.