Approved April 8, 2005
February 18, 2005
Universities at Shady Grove
Chairman Florestano moved, Regent Nevins seconded and the Board of Regents voted
unanimously to convene in Closed and Executive Session with the Chancellor on Friday, February
18, 2005 at the Universities at Shady Grove beginning at 8:35 a.m. and adjourning at 9:05 a.m.
The Executive Session reconvened at 11:10 a.m. and adjourned at 1:00 p.m. Those present were:
Chairman Kendall, Regents Acosta, Finan, Florestano, Gill, Horine, Houghton, Hug, Johnson, Mandel,
Mitchell, Nevins, Pettit, Pevenstein, Rosapepe, and Tydings, Chancellor Kirwan, Ms. Ryan, Assistant
Attorney Generals Goedert and Short. The Board of Regents reviewed items on the agenda that were
exempted under the Open Meetings Act for consideration in closed and executive session.
Minutes of the Public Session - February 18, 2005
A. Chairman Kendall called the meeting of the University System of Maryland
Board of Regents was to order at 9:16 a.m. on Friday, February 18, 2005 at the Universities
at Shady Grove. Those in attendance were: Chairman Kendall, Regents Acosta, Finan, Florestano,
Gill, Horine, Houghton, Hug, Johnson, Mandel, Mitchell, Nevins, Pettit, Pevenstein, Rosapepe
and Tydings, Chancellor Kirwan, Vice Chancellors Goldstein, Schwab and Vivona, Assistant Attorney
Generals Goedert and Short, Presidents Battle, Boesch, Bogomolny, Caret, Gira, Heeger,
Hrabowski, Lowe, Vice President Holden (UMES), Dr. Wylie (UMCP), Ms. Zinner (SU), Ms Ryan,
members of the press and others.
B. Dr. Stewart Edelstein, Director of the Universities at Shady Grove welcomed the regents, presidents and other guests and gave a brief overview of the planned expansion of Shady Grove. Dr. Edelstein then presented four students who gave brief accounts of their studies at Shady Grove:
- John Arcilla, UMCP, Robert H. Smith School of Business, Accounting
- Ms. Martha Chandler Gurzick, UMB School of Nursing
- Ms. Cherie Lucas, UMUC Management Studies and Human Resource Management
- Mr. Jas Sidhu, UMCP, Robert H. Smith School of Business, General Business and Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics.
C. Committee of the Whole
1. Approval of Minutes from the December 10, 2004 meeting
Approval of the Minutes from the Special Meeting of January 26,
Chairman Kendall motioned for approval; Seconded by Regent Hug. Regent Mitchell noted that
the sentence in the Chancellor's Report "The Chancellor also added that there have been
two years with no compensation for faculty and staff should read: ....there have been two years
with no increase in salary for faculty and staff."
Unanimously approved as amended.
2. Chancellor Kirwan's Report
Full report on file with the minutes as well as on the USM web site.
Chancellor Kirwan thanked Dr. Edelstein for all of his work and stated
that Shady Grove Center has been used as the model for the newly opened Hagerstown Center.
- UMCP received two large gifts totaling $60 million
- Coppin's President Battle chosen for Champions of Courage Award in Baltimore;
- Frostburg's Community Outreach Partnership Center program was designated as a "Place of Promise" by the American Association of State Colleges of Universities.
- Bowie has built a $1 million supercomputer in cooperation with Apple Computer, Inc.
- Towson University has initiated the Top 10% Scholars Program, offering incentives to attract the best and brightest graduates of Baltimore City and County public high schools.
- UMBC continues to serve as an excellent example of how a campus can increase the presence and success of women faculty in science and technology. Since 2000, the number of tenured or tenure-track women faculty in these fields has more than doubled, from 17 to 36.
- Moody's Investors Service has updated the USM's long-term bond rating.
- USM has launched USMBriefs to inform regional opinion leaders how the USM is enhancing quality, access and affordability.
3. Revision to the Council of University Staff Constitution
Mr. Crockett, chair of the Council of University Staff (CUSS), presented the ration to amend
the CUSS Constitution to the Regents which would allow two individuals from an institution to be
from the same "class - exempt or non-exempt" to serve on the CUSS. Motion to approve
by Chairman Kendall, moved by Regent Nevins, seconded by Regent Tydings and unanimously approved.
4. UMCP and USM Energy Procurement
Chairman Kendall presented the group procurement proposal for approval, moved by Regent
Florestano; seconded by Regent Acosta and unanimously approved.
5. Regent Rosapepe spoke about his concern for the incidents that
followed recent UMCP basketball games. He offered the following resolution
on student riots:
"The Board of Regents strongly supports the College Park campuses zero tolerance
policy on post-game rioting. We direct the Chancellor to work with President Mote, the
Attorney General's Office, and the Prince George's County States Attorney to identify
any potential changes in Board Policy, campus practice, or state law to assure implementation
of the Board of Regent's policy to dismiss students who participate in riots."
Seconded by Regent Florestano.
Regent Kendall clarified that the proposal intends for the USM to review Regent policy to see if it needs to be amended. Regent Rosapepe agreed.
Dr. Anne Wiley stated that UMCP shares the concern and impatience of the Board with this behavior that threatens the security of the community. A small number of students are tarnishing the reputation of the campus. UMCP would support modification on the USM Policy on Student Riots.
Following discussion, the resolution was unanimously approved.
D. Report of the Councils
1. Council of University System Presidents (CUSP) - President Bogomolny presented the CUSP report. The presidents are pleased with how the budget hearings have proceeded in the legislative session. He suggested two issues where the Presidents can be helpful: the statewide Office of Civil Rights Agreement (OCR) comes up for review shortly. The presidents have requested that the Chancellor assemble a working group to meet with MHEC to participate in the review as appropriate. Also facilities renewal is a very important issue for the System. Vice Chancellor Vivona will work with the Vice Presidents on the facilities renewal issues.
2. Council of University System Faculty (CUSF)
No report
3. Council of University System Staff - Mr. Crockett presented the CUSS report. The Council thanks the Governor for his support of the USM. He thanked the Board, Chancellor and Presidents for the work on the budget issues. The Council is concerned about the impending increase in health care costs.
4. University System Student Council - Mr. Aragon presented the report. The January 18 Annapolis 101 event was a huge success. He thanked Chairman Kendall, Chancellor Kirwan and Mr. Bryce for their assistance and participation. The USSC is working on an alcohol resolution and will bring it to the Board soon. Regarding post-game riots, Mr. Aragon suggested that the students need to have a way provided by the University to celebrate after games.
E. Education Policy Committee - Regent Florestano
1. Minutes of January 26, 2005 meeting
2. New Program Proposals (action)
- UB: B.A. in Human Services Administration
Moved for approval by Regent Florestano, seconded by Regent Horine
and unanimously approved.
- UMCP: Ph.D. in Second Language Acquisition
Moved for approval by Regent Florestano, seconded by Regent Acosta
and unanimously approved.
- UMCP: Master of Professional Studies (M.P.S.) and Post-baccalaureate Certificate in Professional Studies
Moved for approval by Regent Florestano, seconded by Regent Rosapepe and unanimously approved.
Regent Florestano moved that Items 3, 4, and 5 be placed on the consent agenda; seconded by Regent Acosta.
3. USM Policy on the Admission of First-Time Freshmen in the Spring Semester
4. USM Policy on Alternative Means of Earning Academic Degree Credit
5. USM Policy on Standard Credit Requirements for Baccalaureate Degree Programs
Regent Rosapepe stated that there needs to be alternative ways of earning credits similar to the Virginia Initiative.
Regent Florestano said that the Chancellor will be setting up a committee through K-16 Council to take a look to see how we can move forward on something similar to the Virginia Initiative.
Regent Tydings: Is there some procedure in place for follow-up especially on the second item - alternative means of earning academic credit. Are reports from the campuses to be expected?
Chancellor Kirwan stated that we are concerned and committed to accountability with all of the E&E initiatives. The basic strategy which is being developed now is to develop a process tag these courses.
Regent Tydings stated that the deans and teachers should focus on presenting information to students on potential job opportunities, internships etc. where students can work and earn credits.
Regent Rosapepe suggested that next year in addition to looking at numbers, to have campus provosts brief the board on their experiences with the new policies.
Items 3, 4, and 5 were unanimously approved.
6. Teacher Education: Support for Funding of Professional Development Schools. Regent Florestano moved for endorsement; seconded by Regent Pettit and unanimously approved.
7. Technology Fluency Implementation Reports was presented as an information item. Regent Florestano stated that students are coming to campus better prepared and the report was so positive that the Education Policy Committee has recommended that it will not require this report in the future.
8. Annual Report of the Office of Civil Rights Partnership Agreement was presented as information. The agreement expires in 2006 and the Chancellor will be working with MHEC as it prepares the a final report.
9. Reports on Academic Advising (Information)
- Frostburg State University
- University of Maryland University College
10. No Child Left Behind and Higher Education presented as information.
11. Virginia Initiative on Early College Credits (Information)
This program encourages students to take up to 15 credits prior to entering college - set up agreement with high schools and colleges for what courses are approved. Chancellor and a committee will look to see how a similar program could work in Maryland.
12. Opening Fall Enrollments, 2004 presented as information.
Regent Pevenstein commended Regent Florestano and the Education Policy Committee for taking concepts brought from the E&E Work Group and implementing them as policies.
F. Committee on Organization and Compensation
Status of MOU's with Bargaining Units:
1. UMB non-exempt employees and AFSCME
2. UMCES non-exempt employees and MCEA
Regent Finan announced that the above MOU's were accepted in Executive Session.
G. Report of the Workgroups
1. Capital Campaign Work Group - Regent Houghton presented the report of the January 28, 2005 meeting of the Work Group. The group will be helping to guide the USM capital campaign with two principal goals: (1) raising significant new resources for System institutions and (2) building the fund-raising capacity and infrastructure to support robust advance operations at USM institutions well into the future. Preliminary goals have been received from the institutions and are being analyzed; aggregate campaign goals will not be available for public dissemination until the silent phase is completed. Training programs on fund-raising will be held to mobilize Vice Presidents, Deans, and volunteers. It was suggested that some of our campuses teach courses in fund-raising; nonprofits are important to the regions economy, these courses could help workforce development.
2. E&E Work Group Report - Regent Kendall stated that the group is continuing to work on organizational review of the 4 non-traditional institutions. We are currently working on recommendations for changes at UMUC that need legislative approval. No major changes at any institutions will be made without open discussion prior to any decisions. We are developing a dashboard - key indicators that need to be reviewed.
Regent Mandel stated that a System issue is the retaining and recruitment of professors because of salary problems and the inability to pay those salaries at the individual institutions. He suggested exploring the creation of a special fund of money under the control of the Chancellor. This fund would allow an institution to get assistance to retain someone who is being recruited by another university or someone they would like to bring to their university.
Regent Kendall stated that he would ask the Chancellor to look into this idea and explore its possibilities.
Regent Mitchell stated that recruiting topnotch faculty and research individuals is also dependent on our facilities. We need to address the huge number of deferred maintenance issues as well. Regent Mitchell asked that the Chair and Board consider a resolution reaffirming support for the capital funds for Shady Grove III to be presented to the legislators. Following discussion, the resolution was withdrawn.
H. The meeting was adjourned at 10:58 a.m.