- TU: Master of Science in Homeland Security Management and
Post-baccalaureate Certificate in Security Assessment.
Regent Mitchell seconded - unanimously approved.
- UMCP: Master of Mathematics of Advanced Industrial Technology.
Regent Mitchell seconded - unanimously approved.
- UMCP: Bachelor of Science in International Business.
Regent Mitchell seconded - unanimously approved.
- UMUC: Master of Science in Health Administration Infomatic.
Regent Johnson seconded - unanimously approved.
- Establishment of an Erickson School of Aging Studies at UMBC.
Regent Mitchell seconded - unanimously approved.
3. Amendment of II-1.00 Policy on Appointment, Rank and Tenure
of Faculty to add to the List of Approved
Ranks in Section III the Title of "[Institution] Professor.
" Regent Florestano explained that this rank is in practice
on campuses across the country. It is sometimes called a "
Professor of Practice." An individual who is outstanding in
his/her field is not paid because he or she has a full-time paying
job, but may be desirous of working within an academic setting to
contribute to a particular discipline Chancellor Kirwan cited NIST
and NIH employees as examples. Regent Florestano moved, Regent
Mitchell seconded and it was unanimously approved.
4. Guidelines on Non-USM Institutions Offering Programs at USM
Regional Centers. Regent Florestano moved, Regent Mitchell seconded
and it was unanimously approved.
5. Reorganization of Academic Departments at UMBC - information item.
6. Update on the Eastern Shore Higher Education Center
-information item.
7. Reports on Academic Advising - information item.
a. Coppin State University
b. University of Maryland, Baltimore County
c. University of Maryland Eastern Shore
The committee has been reviewing advising programs at all of
the degree-granting institutions at its meetings. Regent Florestano
commended the institutional representatives for their superb reports
and their effective programs.
8. Campus Crime Reports - information item.
9. Update on Implementation of Recommendation of Financial Aid Task
Force - information item. A report will be coming out at the end of
the summer with more detailed information of how the campuses are
implementing the task- force's recommendations.
10. Summary of Program Actions Taken by Chancellor under
Delegation of Authority, 2004-2005. Regent Florestano presented
the annual report with seven actions this year (report on file).
F. Committee on Finance - Regent Nevins
Regent Nevins moved for approval of items 1 and 2 together:
1. FY 2007 Capital Budget Request and System Priority Listing;
FY 2007-2011 Capital Improvement Program, and
FY 2007-2016 Ten Year Capital Plan.
Regent Nevins stated the only item that the Board is
committed to vote on today is the System Priority Listing, the
actual request that will go to the Governor's office. The Board
will review the items for out-years in the future.
2. FY 2006 System Funded Construction Program Request
Regent Nevins moved for approval of agenda items 1 and 2,
seconded by Regent Gill and unanimously approved.
Regent Nevins added that Finance Committee will report back
to the Board on the development of a policy to promote private
giving in support of capital construction. Secondly, the Committee
is working on a proposal to determine how to incorporate deferred
maintenance costs into future capital budget requests. Finally,
the Finance Committee will appoint a group to review (and possibly
make recommendations to improve) the capital budget process.
Regent Mitchell requested clarification of the System Priority
Listing and exactly what items will be sent to the Governor for
approval. Regent Nevins stated that all items on the listing will
be submitted for approval, the total amount of $172M.
Regent Nevins asked that a vote be take on items 3 and 4 together.
3. USM: Technical Amendments to USM Procurement Policies and Procedures
4. UMCP: Leave for the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA)
Task Force
Regent Nevins moved, Regent Florestano seconded, and the Board
unanimously approved items 3 and 4.
5. UMUC: Group Tuition- Regent Nevins moved, Regent Pevenstein
seconded, and it was unanimously approved.
6. USM: Quarterly Review of Capital Improvement Projects
-information item
G. Report of the Workgroups
1. Capital Campaign Work Group - Regent Houghton
The System is actively gearing up for the Capital Campaign
and this fall will be critical in terms of Campaign preparation at
each institution. Regent Houghton will give regular briefings to
the Board on major gifts received, beginning with the transformational
gift to Towson University of $10.2M from the Robert M. Fisher Memorial
Foundation, established by Jess and Mildred Fisher.
The Workgroup and USM Office hosted a series of a development
training programs with Marts & Lundy consultant John Cash for the
USM leadership, USM Presidents and Vice Presidents for Advancement.
Several VP's for Finance and Administration attended as well. Plans
are underway for more training programs. In April Regent Gill and
Vice Chancellor Schwab visited several individuals at UVA, which
is currently preparing for a $3 billion dollar campaign.
Regent Gill summarized the Capital Campaign activities underway
at UVA. He highlighted several items he felt distinguished UVA's
- New fundraising model
- Planned giving focus
- Customization
- Volunteer champions (engaging alumni)
- Cross disciplinary teams
- Infrastructure - need to become more seamless
- Board of Visitors UVA totally committed
- Developing a culture of philanthropy
2. Effectiveness and Efficiency Work Group Report - Chairman
Kendall stated that he would like our state to be a national
leader in this area. He said the main focus of the E&E
effort has been to reduce the University System cost structure
while increasing its quality and value to the citizens of Maryland.
The Committee has been committed to the needs of external constituents
and to a transparent process open to citizens, employees, oversight
agencies and the media. The first E&E Committee meeting was
less than two years ago in July of 2003.
The most recent accomplishment of the group was the report of
the Organizational Review Subgroup. The Review was started early
this year and completed June 30, 2005. Chairman Kendall asked the
Chancellor to give a brief summary of the report. Chancellor Kirwan
stated that the subgroup was charged to analyze four "special
purpose institutions," those that did not fit the traditional
model of four-year degree-granting institutions. They include:
- UMUC - Several initiatives were proposed to allow UMUC to be
more flexible in offering programs overseas and in developing its
online programs. All of the initiatives are completed or to be
completed in the near future as some items require legislative
or government regulatory agency approvals
- UB - The Board previously approved request to expand UB's
mission to include lower division programs. This request is
pending approval from MHEC
- UMBI - Chancellor Kirwan's recommendation to the Board is
that UMBI continue to operate at this time as a free-standing
institution headed by a President. He is recommending that he
work with Presidents Ramsay and Hunter-Cevera over the course
of the next several months to decide the appropriate location
for IHV.
- UMCES. The Chancellor recommends that UMCES continue to
be a free-standing institution headed by the President.
- With regard to the two research institutes, the main issue
is their financial viability, given the uncertainty of state
funding and their inability to generate tuition revenue.
Chairman Kendall presented a motion to accept the Chancellor's
report which the E&E Committee has unanimously approved. It
was seconded by Regent Nevins and unanimously approved. Regent
Rosapepe stated the conclusion assumes a 3% increase per year in
state funding. Regent Rosapepe wanted to emphasize that because,
by endorsing this, we are committing ourselves to protecting the
research centers. Chancellor Kirwan will present a report to the
Board on the progress on the IHV issue.
Chairman Kendall - The E&E Workgroup is preparing a series
of dashboard indicators for each institution. The indicators are
based on the themes in the strategic plan. This project will
assist the board in managing information and accountability.
Old Business - Student Misconduct Policy
Chancellor Kirwan presented the status of the policy revision
(copies of the current policy and the proposed revision were
distributed at the meeting). Chancellor Kirwan stated that
the major change in the redraft of the policy was to include
"probation before judgment" as a reason for disciplinary
action. There was a discussion by the Board and several Presidents.
Following this discussion the policy will be redrafted and presented
fur further consideration at a future Board meeting.
H. The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 a.m.
Audiotapes of the meeting are on file in the Office of the
Board of Regents