USM Nonexempt Pay Program
Job Specifications
A Job Class Specification is not the same as a Position Description. A Job Class Specification
broadly defines a group of similar positions that have the same essential functions, qualifications,
basic title and salary range. A Position Description, on the other hand, specifically defines an
individual employee's duties, responsibilities, and the position requirements in a particular office
or department.
USM Job Class Specifications may be Systemwide or Institution Specific.
Systemwide applies to those job classes that are commonly used on more than one institution.
Institution Specific applies to those job classes that are unique to a particular institution. For
example, the Job Class Specification for Marine Research Vessel First Mate would be Institution
Specific because of its unique function at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental
Science (UMCES).
Job Titles by EEO6 Code:
H10 Executive, Administrative, Managerial (This code is for Exempt Titles)
H30 Professional Nonfaculty (This code is for Exempt Titles)
H40 Clerical and Secretarial
H50 Technical and Paraprofessional
H60 Skilled Crafts
H70 Service and Maintenance