Bowie State University Policy on Technology Fluency
                          (Draft 5)
PURPOSE: It is the policy of BSU that every graduating
student is technologically fluent and fully capable of
staying in step with the increasingly dynamic
technology culture.  In its commitment to prepare
lifelong learners, BSU shall cultivate technology
literacy and fluency opportunities for all its students
through the following activities and initiatives, many
of which the University plans to fulfill by AY 2005-

  1. BSU will emphasize the importance of technology
     literacy and fluency by exposing students to the integral
     role of technology within the University life.  BSU shall
     integrate information technology (IT) throughout the campus
  • Annually increasing by a minimum of three to five per year the number of Web-enhanced and web-based modalities.
  • Developing IT-based delivery of services available to all students, including admissions applications, class registration, library research, account balances.
  • Infusing technology into at least 80% of teaching and learning activities through increased availability of online course modules, email communications with faculty and classmates, chat room discussions within courses, and online resources.
  • Enhancing training of students in the use of IT-based word-processing, spreadsheet, and presentation materials by charging disciplines to include in the advisement process the referral of identified students to technology tutorials and technology mentoring programs.
  • Providing faculty and student support for at least one course management system (e.g., Blackboard, WebCT) that encourages student use of IT-related software for communication with faculty, submission of course requirements, taking of exams.
  • Enhancing student development of IT skills related to researching information for in-class and out-of-class assignments in at least 85% of courses.
  • Assessing the outcomes and quality campus-wide integration of IT through satisfaction surveys, questionnaires, and student/faculty usage.
2. BSU shall provide and maintain an infrastructure conducive to developing and producing a technologically literate and fluent student and graduate.
  • BSU shall provide at the minimum the necessary resources and management of state-of-the-art hardware and software in 100% of its electronic academic and research support facilities.
  • Additionally, BSU will continually enhance the campus community technologically through properly wiring 100% of the areas pertinent to academic activities, including dormitories, classrooms, and administrative offices; will annually increase by 2005 a minimum of seventy-five networking ports for laptop usage; will annually increase by 2005 a minimum of four Smart Classrooms so renovated as well as new buildings will have them; will biennially upgrade library computer systems and its electronic resources; and increasing interactive connections, such as email accounts, among on-campus and off-campus sites as needed.
3. The University recognizes the need to continually support the training and development of faculty and staff in their ongoing role as primary and integral conduits of students' education in technology literacy and fluency. As such, BSU shall
  • Continue to use the MHEC-funded Center for Excellence in Teaching in Learning (CETL), or a comparable entity, as the central unit for coordinating annually at least two general and one discipline-specific training activity for faculty and staff in the subject of incorporating technology fluency into pedagogy, programs, and courses.
  • Ensure that 90% of faculty (including library faculty and staff) will engage in training in state-of-the-art software or programming languages by establishing an off-the- shelf training program that promotes the use of outside technology vendors to train faculty in software and programming languages.
  • Introduce faculty and staff rewards that annually encourage and recognize faculty and/or academic departments demonstrating the effective integration of pedagogical innovations that help students develop technology literacy and fluency.
  • Encourage and support faculty and staff who link the use of the laptop computer in developing technology fluency through curricular and co-curricular activities.
  • Encourage 100% of campus-wide collaborative efforts addressing technology fluency, which manifest themselves in discipline-specific initiatives and innovative academic activities.
  • Support 100% library faculty and staff in information literacy development and campus-wide instruction.
  • Employ the nationally known Teaching and Learning Through Technology (TLT) Flashlight Program, as well as academic program reviews and assessment plans, as guides for assessment.
4. As students move throughout various areas within BSU, they will be constantly exposed to a variety of technologies. The University shall strategically plan for student training and development in technology literacy and fluency by
  • Continuing its development as a laptop university by ensuring that all entering students have a laptop computer and know how to use it as a learning tool.
  • Continuing to enhance students' basic computer literacy by implementing within the General Education sequence at least one required technology course that addresses technology fluency as well as literacy skills.
  • Ensuring that 100% of all new proposed programs of study include technology learning objectives and outcomes.
  • Ensuring that all program reviews contain data on technology fluencies.
  • Requiring academic departments to articulate at the minimum 10% specific goals and objectives regarding students' development in technology literacy and fluency.
  • Ensuring the use of various general and discipline- specific technology applications in programs as seen through 90% of course assignments, activities, tutorials, and research.
  • Ensuring that 100% of all new proposed programs of study include technology emphases and outcomes.
  • Ensuring that all program reviews contain data on technology fluencies.
  • Seeking 100% new hires with cutting-edge working knowledge in general and discipline-specific technologies.
  • Supporting all departmental and discipline-specific technology tutorials.
  • Employing as guides for assessment the nationally known Teaching and Learning Through Technology (TLT) Flashlight Program, as well as academic program reviews, syllabi reviews, capstone course reviews, and faculty/course evaluations.