USM National Green Campus
News Archive

Week of July 5, 2010

News from Across the USM Campuses

Chesapeake isn't the only valued bay (By Peter Jensen, The Baltimore Sun - Second Opinion, 7/2/10) [Article cites report by the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science]

UB Midtown Welcomes Zipcar (University of Baltimore Newsroom, 7/2/10)

Gulf oil spill: Are dispersants not so bad after all? (By Sujata Gupta, The New Scientist, 7/1/10) [Article quotes Carys Mitchelmore of the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science]

EPA dispersant tests show limited toxicity but questions remain (By David Biello, Scientific American, 7/1/10) [Article quotes Carys Mitchelmore of the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science]

Shell recycling pushed in OC: Oyster Recovery Partnership would oversee collection from local businesses (By Greg Latshaw,, 7/1/10) [Article quotes Michael Roman of the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science]

Coastal bays get healthier grade (By Brian Shane,, 7/1/10) [Article quotes staff of the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science]

Maryland's "forgotten" coastal bays - trouble in paradise? (By Tim Wheeler, The Baltimore Sun - B'More Green Blog, 6/30/10) [Article quotes William Dennison of the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science]

Oil Dispersant Study Released by EPA, But Big Questions Remain (By Erik Stokstad, Science Magazine, 6/30/10) [Article quotes Carys Mitchelmore of the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science]

Experts say oil from gulf spill unlikely to reach bay: Scientists and state agency watching currents and tracking progress (By Jesse Yeatman,, 6/30/10) [Article quotes Carys Mitchelmore, James Pierson, Michael Roman, and William Boicourt of the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science]

Maryland oil containment plan in place: Seafood, tourist impact would be 'tremendous' (By Jenny Hopkins,, 6/30/10) [Article quotes Dr. Donald F. Boesch, President of the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science]

USM Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change Initiative

Study Shows 2010 May Be Healthy Summer For Bay (By Alex DeMetrick, WJZ-TV, 6/29/10) [Report quotes William Dennison of the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science]

O'Malley, experts hold panel on potential impact of oil spill (By Scott Dance, Baltimore Business Journal, 6/29/10) [Article quotes Dr. Donald F. Boesch, President of the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science]

East Coast States Keep An Eye On Oil Spill (By Alex DeMetrick, WJZ-TV, 6/29/10) [Report quotes Dr. Donald F. Boesch, President of the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science]

Maryland Holds Mini-Boom Demonstration (By Ko Im, WBOC-16 News, 6/29/10) [Article quotes Dr. Donald F. Boesch, President of the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science]

Coastal Bays to release ecosystem report card (By The Associated Press as reported by, 6/28/10) [Article quotes staff of the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science]

State of Maryland News

Cardin deal gets Bay cleanup bill out of committee (By Paul West, The Baltimore Sun - Maryland Politics Blog, 6/30/10)

City proposes bike boulevard on Guilford Avenue (By Christy Zuccarini, The Baltimore Sun - B'More Green Blog, 6/30/10)

Scientists to whisk some 70,000 turtle eggs away from oil spill in rare effort to save species (By Brian Skoloff, The Associated Press ad reported by The Baltimore Sun, 6/30/10)

Anne Arundel to plant more than 12,000 trees (By Nicole Fuller, The Baltimore Sun, 6/29/10)

O'Malley, experts hold panel on potential impact of oil spill (By Scott Dance, Baltimore Business Journal, 6/29/10)

ZipCar comes to downtown Baltimore: City, company enter partnership to offer car-sharing in congested neighborhoods (By Kate Smith, The Baltimore Sun, 6/28/10)

National and International News

Weekly Address: President Obama Touts Nearly $2 Billion in New Investments to Help Build a Clean Energy Economy (The White House, Office of the Press Secretary, 7/3/10)

BP admits failing to use industry risk test at any of its deepwater wells in the US: BP was facing fresh criticism over its approach to safety on Saturday night after critics said it did not use an industry standard process to asses risk ahead of the Deepwater Horizon disaster. (By Rowena Mason, The [UK] Telegraph, 7/3/10)

Is BP rejecting skimmers to save money on Gulf Oil cleanup? (By Anita Lee, The Biloxi Sun Herald, 7/2/10)

2nd Penn State review clears climate scientist (By Genaro C. Armas, The Associated Press as reported by, 7/2/10)

Climate Scientist Cleared of Altering Data (By Justin Gillis, The New York Times, 7/1/10)

Oil found in Gulf crabs raises new food chain fears (By Geoff Pender, The Biloxi Sun Herald, 7/1/10)

In Reporting on Oil Spill, Limits Persist on Media Access in the Gulf (By Bridget Desimone, PBS Newshour, 6/30/10)

Banned Trailers Return for Latest Gulf Disaster (By Ian Urbina, The New York Times, 6/30/10)

Whistle blower to testify on oil spill worst fear: BP deliberately sinks oil with Corexit as cover up (By Maryann Tobin, The Baltimore Examiner, 6/30/10)

Biologists find 'dead zones' around BP oil spill in Gulf: Methane at 100,000 times normal levels have been creating oxygen-depleted areas devoid of life near BP's Deepwater Horizon spill, according to two independent scientists (By Suzanne Goldenbery, The [UK] Guardian, 6/30/10)

Ancient Fossils Show Arctic Now Near Climate Tipping Point (Environmental News Service, 6/29/10)

Spill Is Election Issue Far Beyond Gulf (By Damien Cave, The New York Times, 6/29/10)

Tesla IPO soars on investor enthusiasm: The electric-car maker sees its shares jump above the offer price on their 1st day of trading. (By Kim Peterson, MSN Money, 6/28/10 updated 6/29/10)

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