USM National Green Campus
News Archive
Week of January 24, 2011
News from Across the USM
Jan 26th
- Thomas Spiegelhalter Lecture: "Architecture,
Sustainability, Sustainable Development." Lecture will be held from 6:15-8pm in the Architecture Building (Arch 0145), Room 0204. Thomas Spiegelhalter, Architect, Industrial
Designer, Town Planner, R.A., E.U., ACE, ISES, LEED AP, will be lecturing on
the topic of "Globally Benchmarked Buildings versus Green Washed Buildings:
Taking a Critical Look at the Design, Resource Use, and Performance of
Sustainable Buildings and Cities." The lecture is hosted by University of Maryland's Campus Sustainability Office.
Jan. 26th - Dr. Michael Williams, UMCES - Chesapeake
Biological Lab - "Trends in ecosystem health-related metrics of Chesapeake
Bay (1986-2008)." The Distinguished
Scholar Seminar Series is hosted by the Chesapeake Biological Laboratory. Seminar
be held on Wednesday at 3:30pm in Nice
Hall at the Chesapeake Biological Laboratory. For more information, contact Margaret Palmer.
Jan. 27th - Christopher Duffy, Pennsylvania State University?-
"The Age of Water: Time and
Memory in Watershed Systems."?The Seminar Series is hosted by the
University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science's Appalachian
Laboratory. Seminar will be held on
Thursday at 3:30pm in Room 109 at the Appalachian Laboratory. For
more information, contact Andrew Elmore.
The Health Of The Gulf, Post-Spill (Reported by Ira Flatow, NPR - Talk of
the Nation, 1/21/11) [Dr. Donald F. Boesch, President of the University of
Maryland Center for Environmental Science is a member of President Obama's Gulf
Oil Spill Commission]
State of Maryland
wasteful are we, really? (By Tim Wheeler, The Baltimore Sun - B'More Green Blog, 1/21/11)
going solar (By Tim Wheeler, The Baltimore Sun - B'More Green Blog, 1/20/11)
interest in home beekeeping sets off Howard zoning dispute: More people raising bees for honey,
pollination, but opponents fear stingers (By Larry Carson, The Baltimore Sun, 1/19/11)
USM Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change Initiative
and International News
and failed satellites jeopardize efforts to collect data on climate change
(By Emmarie Huetteman,
The Washington Post, 1/24/11)
Snails Monitor Air Pollution In Russia (By Joanna Zelman, The Huffington
Post - Green Blog, 1/23/11)
Oil Prices, Food Shortages Will Likely Spark Deadly Riots This Year: From now on,
rising prices, powerful storms, severe droughts and floods, and other
unexpected events are likely to play havoc with the fabric of global society. (By Michael T. Klare, as
reported by, 1/23/11)
Europe Begins to Run Short of
Water: Half of the Czech
Republic's population could face water shortages because of climate change, a
top climate change expert has warned. (By Pavol Stracansky, IPS News, 1/22/11)
Oil Spill Blood Tests Reveal Alarming Levels Of Toxic Chemicals In Residents
(By Zoe Triska, The Huffington Post - Green Blog, 1/22/11)
Many Species, No Escape as Temperature Rises (By Elisabeth Rosenthal, The
New York Times - Environment, 1/21/11)
claims 100 percent renewable energy possible by 2030 - New research has shown that it is possible and affordable for the
world to achieve 100 percent renewable energy by 2030, if there is the
political will to strive for this goal. (By Lin Edwards., 1/19/11)
sustainable is growth with triple-digit oil? (By Jeff Rubin, The [Canada] Globe and
Mail, 1/19/11)
Speed Ahead on Deepwater Drilling (By Clifford Krauss, The New York Times -
Green Blog, 1/19/11)
is Working on Electric Motors that Don't Require Chinese Rare Earths (By
Michael Graham Richard,, 1/18/11)
Hits Top of Temperature Chart (By Alexandra Giese, Earth Policy Institute, 1/18/11)
Rainfall Patterns Can't Be
Ignored in Climate Change Debate: In discussions of human activities that
affect the climate, there is relatively little talk about alterations in
rainfall patterns, despite the enormous implications that such changes have on
human survival. (By Mario Osava, IPS News, 1/17/11)