USM National Green Campus
News Archive

Week of May 30, 2011

News from Across the USM Campuses

Aug. 15th-16th  - University of Baltimore Environmental Sciences Summer Academy - UB Environmental Sciences Summer Academy students will become familiar with local ecosystems, their complexity and the current issues involved in environmental protection and preservation. They will be exposed to the methods and equipment used to assess and characterize ecosystem features, and introduced to the scientific method and the basics of analytical research. If you have questions, please call Marguerite Weber at 410.837.4087 or e-mail Students requiring special accommodations are encouraged to apply (please contact the Disability Support Services Center at 410.837.4775). Application.

 Gadget aims to breathe life into Baltimore's harbor dead zone: Solar-powered device to be tested for improving water quality (By Timothy B. Wheeler, The Baltimore Sun, 5/27/11) [Article quotes Eric Schlott of the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science]

Environmental Insights (University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, May 2011)

State of Maryland News

Maryland Port Administration greening an old harbor dumping ground: Agency restoring Baltimore's Masonville Cove as urban park, bird preserve (By Timothy B. Wheeler, The Baltimore Sun, 5/28/11)

Green groups seek to defend Bay pollution diet (By Tim Wheeler, The Baltimore Sun - B'More Green Blog, 5/25/11)

Gas price drop by 11 cents in a week (By Michael Dreser, The Baltimore Sun - Getting There Blog, 5/23/11)

How Coal-Fired Power Plants Drain Health and Wealth (By Tom Pelton, The Bay Daily - Chesapeake Bay Foundation, 5/23/11)

USM Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change Initiative

National and International News

Germany turns back on nuclear power (By Isabelle de Pommereau, The Christian Science Monitor as reported by Yahoo News, 5/30/11)

An Unlikely Power Duo Emerges in the Global Fight Against Climate Change (By John M. Broder, The New York Times, 5/28/11)

Shale Boom in Texas Could Increase U.S. Oil Output (By Clifford Krauss, The New York Times - Energy and Environment Blog, 5/27/11)

On Our Radar: Habitat Loss and Climate Change Imperil Koala (By John Collins Rudolf, The New York Times - Green Blog, 5/27/11)

NJ pulls out of regional greenhouse gas effort (By Tim Wheeler, The Baltimore Sun - B'More Green Blog, 5/26/11)

Japanese scientist: Fukushima meltdown occurred within hours of quake (By Brian Vastag and Steven Mufson, The Washington Post, 5/26/110

Green Failure: What's Wrong With Environmental Education? (Environment 360, Yale University, 5/26/11)

Facing Up to the End of ‘Easy Oil' (By Ben Casselman, The Wall Street Journal as reported by, 5/24/11)

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