USM National Green Campus
News Archive
of March 19, 2012
from Across the USM Campuses
March 27th - "Getting
Here is All the Fun" - David Allen, Director, Transportation Services.
This lecture is a part of the Smart Growth Goes to School: Sustainability and
the University of Maryland, Hosted by Ralph Bennett, Professor Emeritus and Instructor,
and co-sponsored by the University Office of Sustainability, and ARCH 289i.
Lecture will be held at?3:30pm on Tuesday, Lecture Hall, School of Architecture
Planning and Preservation on the University of Maryland, College Park campus.
April 16 - 17th -
Register now for the "Smart and
Sustainable Campus Conference" to be held at the University
of Maryland, University College Inn
and Conference Center. This conference is hosted by the
University of Maryland,
College Park.
Conference tracks are: Life Cycle of the Built Environment; Community
Connections; The Campus as a Learning Laboratory; Fostering Behavior Change;
and Strategic Implementation.
Downside of Early Spring: a Drop in Rocky Mt. Butterflies (University of Maryland,
College Park - University Initiatives, 3/15/12)
[Article cites study co-authored by University
of Maryland]
of Maryland News
March 13 - 25th - 20th
Anniversary DC Environmental Film Festival. Environmental films at a
variety of locations in and around the DC-metro area, including Maryland.
level rise from global warming magnifies coastal flood risk in Washington,
D.C., mid-Atlantic (By Jason Samenow, The Washington Lost - Capital Weather
Gang, 3/14/12)
Point dump declared a Superfund site: EPA
finds site has leaked toxic wastes into Back River (By Timothy B. Wheeler, The Baltimore Sun, 3/13/12)
to appeal for gas tax: Governor
testifies today as proponents' hopes fade (By Michael Dresser, The Baltimore Sun, 3/13/12)