USM National Green Campus
News Archive
of December 31, 2012
from Across the USM Campuses
Jan. 1st - Conference
registration opens for Smart and Sustainable Campuses Conference - Colleges
and universities are incubators of innovation, tackling the biggest challenges
of society through creative means. The 2013 Smart and Sustainable Campuses
Conference provides the setting to learn, share and explore how campuses are
using their passion for innovation to develop technologies, infrastructure,
programs and curricula that address the world's most pressing sustainability
challenges. Registration
Jan. 29th - Garbology 101 -
In this hands-on recycling workshop, attendees will learn the difference
between trash and recyclables. Sorting "garbage" from recycling,
we'll talk fact vs. fiction about the entire recycling process. Sign up for
this workshop and leave a confident University recycler. After all, UM
recycles much more than just paper. Join us for Garbology 101, and learn about
what you can drop in those blue bins! This event will be held from Noon to 1
p.m., SMC Campus Center Green Room, on the campus of University of Maryland,
discredits UM law clinic's involvement (By Walter Olson, The Baltimore Sun
- Op Ed, 12/28/12)
of Maryland News
laws include ban on arsenic in chicken feed (By Michael Dresser, The
Baltimore Sun, 12/29/12)
Dame holds forum on climate change: State, city mitigation plans focus of Notre
Dame forum (By Tim Wheeler, The Baltimore Sun, 12/28/12)
O'Malley signs executive order helping state prepare for climate change and
severe weather (Southern Maryland Online, 12/28/12)