Council of University System Faculty

CUSF Meeting of May 16, 2007

MAY 16, 2007
Present: David Parker (Chair, SU), Martha Siegel (Past Chair, TU), E.W. Chapin (Vice Chair, UMES), John Collins (Secretary, UMBI), Patricia Alt (At-Large, TU), Bill Stuart (At-Large, UMCP), Alcott Arthur (CSU), Rahim Ashkeboussi (FSU), Kim Rotruck (FSU), Paul Flexner (SU), Bobbi Adams (SU), Joyce Currie Little (TU), Lee Richardson (UB), Steven Jacobs (UMB), Joyce Tenney  (UMBC), Zane Berge (UMBC), Rosemary Jagus (UMBI), J. Court Stevenson (UMCES), Denny Gulick (UMCP), Joyce Shirazi (UMUC), John Gustafson (UMUC), A. Delores James (UMUC)

Guests: Arthur Johnson, Provost, UMBC; Theresa Hollander, Associate Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs, USM

Dr. Parker called the meeting to order at approximately 10:00am. He introduced Dr. Johnson who welcomed the group, and was warmly welcomed in return. It was noted that Dr. Johnson was one of the founding members of CUSF, and served as CUSF Chair in 1991-1992. Dr. Johnson made some remarks and led a discussion on various topics. He talked about the unexpected, pending USM budget cuts. He said that the Spellings Report on higher education was not as bad as had been feared. He handed out copies of a NASULGC (National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges) report on voluntary accountability. Dr. Stuart asked how USM will deal with the latest budget cut. The resulting discussion included several anxious questions about budget cuts. The latest cut seems unfair, especially in view of USM’s recent Effectiveness and Efficiency efforts. An added difficulty is that no tuition increase will be allowed this year. There was a general discussion of several academic issues of current interest. A question on the possible outcomes of the Morgan vs. MHEC lawsuit was referred to Ms. Hollander, who mentioned the Hogan Commission and the possibility of a special session of the General Assembly. Dr. Johnson left the meeting at 10:55am.

The proposed schedule of CUSF meetings for 2007-2008 was discussed and agreed to with a few minor changes. The new schedule will be posted on the CUSF web site.

At 11:05am, Dr. Alt led a discussion of possible changes in the Regents Faculty and Staff awards ceremonies. Various possibilities were considered. It was agreed that improvement was needed, but it seems likely that no significant changes can be made next year. Dr. Alt was applauded for her work on the 2007 faculty awards. Dr. Alt will not be returning to CUSF next year, and Dr. Jagus will be asked to take charge of the 2007 awards.

At 11:12am, Dr. Parker talked briefly about CUSF procedures to review complaints of violations of USM and Institutional policies. The appeals committee for next year will consist of Joel Cohen (UMCP, Chair), Alcott Arthur (CSU) and Jay Zimmerman (TU). Dr. Parker expressed a hope that there would be no new appeals next year.

At 11:15am, Dr. Parker called on Ms. Hollander to talk about the USM budget situation. She said that there will likely be a special session of the Maryland General Assembly in October. Current attention is on the Hogan Commission to Develop the Maryland Model for Funding Higher Education. It was noted that Morgan President Richardson is the only voice of the HBIs on the Hogan Commission. There was a general discussion on strategies for budget negotiations. Dr. Parker said that we ought to have some new information on the state of the budget negotiations in time for the June 15 CUSF meeting. It is hoped that Senator Hogan and Joe Bryce (Senior Policy and Legislative Advisor to Governor O’Malley and former USM Associate Vice Chancellor for Governmental Relations) will be helpful to USM. The budget discussion ended at 11:40am.

The minutes of the May 16, 2007 CUSF meeting were approved without changes.

Dr. Parker asked everyone to help with the transition to a new CUSF chair. He asked for suggestions on agenda items for 2007-2008.

The meeting adjourned for lunch at noon and reconvened at 12:20pm.

After lunch, Dr. Richardson presented a report on textbook prices. He made some recommendations on things faculty could do to help. Drs. Gulick and Siegel contributed to the discussion. It was agreed that the textbook issue needs more attention next year. Dr. Collins noted that none of the CUSF standing committees has this on its agenda. This discussion ended at 12:45pm

Next, Dr. Parker asked Dr. Siegel to talk about flexible tenure. She agreed to propose something for next year.

Dr. Collins introduced the topic of System-wide sharing of USM campus library resources. A lively discussion ensued. Ms. Tenney and others noted that sharing of library resources is very expensive. Dr. Stevenson noted that UMCES has access to the UMCP libraries, but this costs hundreds of thousands of dollars per year. Dr. Collins suggested that an ad hoc committee be formed to work on this issue next year. Suggested members of this committee were Joyce Tenney (UMBC), Pat Cossard (UMCP), Court Stevenson (UMCES) and Rose Jagus (UMBI).

The meeting adjourned at approximately 1:30pm