Council of University System Faculty

CUSF Meeting of June 15, 2007

UMCES, Horn Point Laboratory
JUNE 15, 2007
Attendance: Except for the individuals mentioned in the minutes, there is no official record of the attendance at this meeting. It was noted, however, that a quorum had been achieved.

The meeting opened at 10:05am. Dr. Parker introduced UMCES President Donald Boesch, who welcomed the group. Dr. Boesch gave a brief history of the Horn Point Laboratory. He said that he had been asked by the Chancellor to start a USM-wide green initiative. Dr. Boesch has also been working with Governor O’Malley, and is now putting together a Maryland Commission on Climate Change. The intercampus MEES program, the oldest of its kind, was also discussed. Dr. Goldstein asked how MEES could be upgraded. Senator Mikulski wants the participating campuses to work together on this. The green initiative is also a top priority for the new Comptroller and Attorney General. USM is developing an on-line Climate Change Commission. The Chancellor has asked the Regents to put USM’s participation in his performance evaluations.

Dr. Goldstein noted that the newest building at the Shady Grove Center is the gold standard of what a green building could be. The discussion continued until 10:35am, and Dr. Boesch left the meeting.

The minutes of the May 16, 2007 CUSF meeting were approved without change. Appreciation was expressed to Chair-Elect John Collins for his work as CUSF Secretary.

Dr. Parker talked about appeals cases. He said there is a current case that’s turning into a real mess. It’s a very sensitive matter, involving a tenured person being fired with no warning or explanation. There’s also another, simpler case of denial of tenure. Dr. Parker said he was honoring a request not to discuss the cases with USM officials or reporters.

Starting at 10:45am, Dr. Goldstein reported on the most recent AAAC meeting, which was conducted via IVN. He talked about USM’s recent 2% budget cut, which came on top of a legislated tuition freeze and requirement to maintain enrollment. The state will have a $1.5 billion deficit this year, so further budget cuts are expected. A discussion and Q&A session ensued, continuing until 11:10am.

Dr. Goldstein announced the good news that Morgan State had not filed a complaint against a new UMCP program, and the deadline for doing so had passed. There is no word yet on USM’s bid to be released from the OCR agreement. He announced the good news that Clifford Kendall will remain as Chair of the Board of Regents Chair for another year, Patricia Florestano will remain as Chair of the Education Policy Committee, and Robert Pevenstein will remain as Chair of the Finance Committee. The discussion with Dr. Goldstein continued until 11:35am.

There was a general discussion of what CUSF priorities should be for the coming year. Dr. Collins thanked Dr. Parker for setting a good example for a new CUSF Chair and for doing everything possible to affect a smooth transition.

Following a break for lunch, Dr. James announced that she and Dr. Flexner would be starting a new "CUSF Newsletter", similar in concept to the CUSS Newsletter. Dr. Garner suggested that the question of a Faculty Regent be revisited, noting that other universities have them. During the ensuing discussion, it was suggested that the person selected could be an emeritus professor, or at perhaps a distinguished and respected senior professor with experience on shared governance bodies.

The meeting adjourned at approximately 1:30pm.