USM Board of Regents Committee on Organization and Compensation November 9, 2017 Columbus Center, Baltimore Multipurpose Room Meeting Information AGENDA FOR OPEN SESSION 8:30 a.m. Call to Order Regent Gooden 1. Goal Setting Framework and Performance Assessment (information) a. Presentation from Jason Adwin, Sibson Consulting 2. Approval of public and closed session minutes from October 14, 2017 Org and Comp meeting (action) 3. Updated Work Plan for Report on Executive Compensation and Governance (information) 4. Committee on Organization and Compensation Charter (action) 5. Annual Executive Goals and Compensation Calendar (action) 6. Review and Discussion of Presidential Search Guidelines (information) 7. Policy Reviews a. I-1.00 Policy on Council of University System Presidents (action) b. VI -9.00 Policy on Institutional Traffic Regulations (information) 8. Reconvene to Closed Session (action)